
The Theory Development Life Cycle Approach Essay

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Honda is a well-known global manufacturer of automobiles and motorcycles. This means that its contemporary information system is highly-organized for collection, organization, storage, exchange, and communication of useful information. This efficient system helps support its business operations, and decision-making. To facilitate the flow and take advantage of modern information system, a number of development approaches and methodologies have been introduced. The waterfall approach, iterative approach, and agile approach are some examples of them.

This report contains three main parts. The first part gives an introduction of two system development approaches. The system development life cycle approach is recommended in Honda’s global information systems environment. The second part talks about two other methodologies. It then discusses the potential deployment of structured systems analysis and design method in Honda’s global context. At the end of this report, an ethical-based risk assessment table is presented. Some discussion is elaborated based on the table.

Introduction of systems development approaches
There are quite a few systems development approaches. In this report, systems development life cycle (SDLC) and rapid application development (RAD) have been discussed.

Both methodologies can yield productive information systems if they are applied to appropriate development projects and under the right circumstances. Since business needs and system requirements

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