
The Themes Of Diaspora In Alice Walker's Context

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Diaspora, is the spreading of people from where they originally came from. In many African American literacy texts, there are aspects of Diaspora throughout the story. Some of these Diasporic themes are power, trauma, and family. These themes help the reader to understand how these things can continue to be present after being separated or generations later. In the texts, The Color Purple, Breathe, Eyes, Memory, and Homegoing the authors tell the themes of power, trauma, and family through their characters stories, and shed light on culture and traditions. One very important theme throughout diasporic texts, is power. Power is weaved through the book The Color Purple by Alice Walker. From the beginning of story, it is very clear that men have power over the women in their society. Celie, who is the stories main character, gets dominated over by her father who sexually abuses her. Her father uses the power he has over Celie and forces her to not tell anyone what he does to her, which causes her to feel numb. When Celie’s father finally decides for her to get married, she is once again dominated by her husband Mr. Throughout her time living with Mr. Celie is once again not in control, and is abused physically and emotionally. Mr. believes that he has power of her and doesn’t respect women in general which leads to Celie be even more closed off. It is not until the story introduces Sofia and Shug Avery, that the reader finally sees the idea of power being turned upside down.

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