
The Themes Of Culture In Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

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How would a person feel if they were in a society where people walk around with a blindfold and music in their ears letting others decide how they should act and feel? Reading the novel Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury is a wake up call that shows the readers what could happen to a society that loses control and lets others control their lives. The novel is about a character who realizes that he is living in a dystopia and wants to change that by bringing back books and knowledge that comes with it into their society. The book shows readers that to make change one must stand up for what they believe in and fight for it no matter what it takes. The characters Guy Montag and Beatty in the novel live in a censored, technology-driven culture …show more content…

The second cultural aspect is technolgy, which the government uses to manipulate the citizens into thinking that life is perfect. Mildred is Guy Montag’s wife and she is caught up in her own dystopian life which makes her lose consciousness of her everyday life, including her husband: “Will you turn the parlour off? That's my family” (Bradbury 49). People in the society live with not knowing who they really are and they fill their brains with the actions they see from others in TV shows. They see the actors and their lives as their real family, because they spend so much time indulged in there technology that they do not know their own reality. Clearly in the novel the use of censorship and technology is a main part of their culture. Two characters Guy Montag and Captain Beatty are the opposite of each other and have different ways they view their own life in society. The first character is Guy Montag who is a friendly, outgoing, and questioning person in his society. Guy is a fireman who burns books and lives an averagely normal life from the society's point of view. As Guy goes through his everyday routine day by day, he starts to see his life more clearly and realizes what may be wrong with society; he gets these questioning thoughts from Clarisse, who is a unique individual in society full of conformists. After a woman's house is burned down, Guy starts to

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