
The Theme Of Jealousy In William Shakespeare's Othello

Decent Essays

There are many themes that show up throughout all of William Shakespeare’s works. These include themes such as death, betrayal and love. One of the most important themes in Shakespeare’s Othello however is the theme of jealousy. The theme of jealousy is central to the story from the beginning of it when it is revealed that Roderigo was jealous of Othello due to his and Desdemona’s love. This theme is continued all the way through the story to the end when Othello is filled with jealousy and rage when he thought his wife was having an affair with Cassio. The idea of jealousy found throughout William Shakespeare’s Othello gives a distinct view of how a person’s insecurities can be exploited and used in order to cause chaos and deception, and ultimately resulting in anger and ill-will towards those we dislike, but also those who are close to us like family, friends or even a spouse.
The definition of jealousy has not changed since Shakespeare wrote the tale of Othello all those years ago. Jealousy is defined by Merriam-Webster as “a feeling of envy and/or jealous thoughts; a disposition, attitude, or feeling”. Synonyms for this word include: envy, covetousness, invidiousness, and resentment.(#) Scenes that revolve around jealousy typically follow a pattern Shakespeare liked to use. This pattern usually involves someone who is feeling some type of jealousy, the jealous person’s nemesis or rival, and finally a person of the opposite sex. The tale of Othello is certainly no

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