In the novel, Fever, 1793, by Laurie Halse Anderson, a historical fiction book the main character Maddie Cook shows the theme is always have hope. In Fever, 1793, the city of Philadelphia was struck with a fever, that quickly evolved to a deadly epidemic. Through the book Mattie and her family battle to stay alive. Mattie shows hope threw her actions and words. Mattie is a strong character who knows that hope heals and hopeless hurts. The reasons the theme of Fever 1793 is always have hope are things will work out over time, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and hope heals hopeless hurts. The most important reason why the theme in fever, 1793 is always have hope, is that things will work out over time. In the novel, they terrible epidemic, yellow fever, strikes. The town eventually recovers, after an early frost. This shows that even a terrible event like this, will eventually work out. Another example that shows hope, is when maddie and grandfather are abandoned on the side of the road. They had to have hope, or else they would not have been able to gather food or water. As you can see, through these experiences, you must always have hope, because without hope, you will not succeed. …show more content…
In the novel, the fever has killed many, but the lucky few that recovered from the fever, cannot get it again. This shows, that if yellow fever doesn't kill you, it may make you stronger in then long run. A quote from fever, 1793, that supports this theme, shows that even if you are at the edge of life, there will always be a way to pull through. 'We found her, near death, on the side of the road. It took her weeks to recover, but she's better now." As you can see through these examples, hope makes you
The theme of “Blood on the River” by Elisa Carbone is that working together is an important skill for life. One event that shows this theme is when Captain Smith and Samuel watched a Swordfish and a Thresher shark kill a whale. This shows the theme because when you work together with someone you can accomplish anything you both set your minds to. On page 37 Captain Smith states, “You might have been born the biggest fish in the sea, but the skill and perseverance of those lower born can take you down and destroy you.” Another place in the story that supports the theme is when Captain Smith punished Samuel and made him stand on one foot to teach him a lesson because he didn't work together with the other boys. In this scene, the theme is
Being hopeful is an eye opening experience that encourages people to move forward in a difficult situation. The author of the book Station Eleven is Emily St. John Mandel is a novel that details this exact thing. This novel has these three characters that demonstrate a sense hope; Kirsten, Clark, and Jeevan. Kirsten’s hopefulness in this novel is to have civilization restored which gives her a positive look on things. Clark makes the Museum of civilization to help remain positive and give other people a sense of hope that things are going to be ok. Jeevan always has hope that he can help people with his medical experience and that he’ll do everything he can to help them. These three characters have a huge understanding of what it means to have hope and to never give up. By examining the characters in station eleven, it is clear that many of the characters had a feeling of hope which encouraged them to persevere in hard situations.
In the passage from The Count of Monte Cristo, the theme is never give up on hope, you never know what might happen one day. The author hints at the theme by making the character sad, hopeless, and lonely. When the character hears the sound he gets a spark of hope. He was week, but the more he hears the hollow sound he gets more alive and willful to live. Eventually he is strong
"Never Give Up" and remember the beginning is always the hardest. Imagine yourself in the middle of a world wide sickness...deadly sickness. Your mother is in horrid condition, taken from the sickness of which she now helpless. You have feed,clothe,bath, and ect to help her, would you help her? Or. Send off to a place better than the horrid acts of this world? Or just think leaving her with a doctor who wants to drain blood from her every week and just a maid. In the book Fever, 1793 it will show you to never give up. This theme is expressed through a character named Mattie and other family members. Philadelphia is hit with a horrid fever...called yellow fever. It shows no matter what gets thrown at you keep going and never give up! Fever, 1793, is a book by Laurie Halse Anderson, and has many themes, and one of the themes in the story is to Never Give Up.
Hope helps people endure hardships because Miranda will be confident and positive. Miranda slips away from the house and goes to Miller’s Pond where she is able to be a teenager again, Miranda even gets her first kiss with Dan at Miller’s Pond (82). During the winter Miranda starts to go to Miller’s Pond to skate
Laurie Halse Anderson shows the reader COURAGE is a theme in ‘Speak’ because on page 9 MELINDA got smacked in the chest with potatoes and tries to storm out when she is stopped by a teacher (MR.NECK) who won't let her out because she is too afraid to tell him what she was doing. She needed COURAGE. Another theme is FEAR, MELINDA has/had a fear of speaking, about anything, about what happened. This is shown on page 97 and 9 when instead of talking and confronting Melinda just runs away; in both situations. On page 97 Melinda runs away from Andy when he offers her a bite of a jelly doughnut (tauntingly and creepily not as a friend).
The way in which it portrays the theme of love is when Mrs. Summerhill says “ She’s my own flesh and blood, and I’ll always love Mercy and your cousins no matter what side of the war they live one !”.(p18) This quote displays the theme of love because Mrs. Summerhill seems to be saying that regardless of what side her family members were on she would still love them unconditionally, family over anyone or anything.
One of the most important reasons why the theme of Fever is to never give up, is because perseverance can help you survive through the hard times. In the book, when Mattie and Grandpa were stranded, she always kept looking for food and water, and she ended up finding water, which might have saved her life. This shows that perseverance can save your life.
The Theme of Hope in To Kill a Mockingbird And Scarlet Ibis Hope saves people. People who have hope and faith are often people who succeed in life and do well. Desmond Tutu has hope for the world when he says “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all the darkness.” (Tiny Buddha) In the story to Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Scout shows hope in Boo Radley by continuing to grow closer to him and befriend him.
At some point in a person's life, they must make the transition from childhood to adulthood. Many of a persons early life experiences can contribute to this transition, even if it is the simplest of things. Yellow Fever hit Philadelphia hard in 1793. It also hit hard in the book Fever: 1793 by Laurie Halse Anderson. In this book, fourteen year-old Mattie Cook?s life gets turned upside-down when Yellow Fever strikes Philadelphia. In her adventure, Mattie must show responsibility, and experience the pain of death before she matures into an adult.
Everyone knows that no matter what happens, always have strength and perseverance. In Fever, 1793, by Laurie Halse Anderson, the character Mattie Cook uses strength and perseverance to overcome hard times. Of course, there are many other theories, but this theory is the most relevant one. Reasons like " With strength, you can overcome anything, If at first you don't succeed, try, try, again, and To get something in life, you have to push and persevere for it." With these reasons, you can clearly see why this claim is best fitting for Fever, 1793.
Fever 1793 is a historical fiction novel written by Laurie Halse Anderson that describes how Yellow Fever affected lives of everybody during the three months of sickness and panic in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Life today is more straightforward than it was in 1793 because of the technology. Fever 1793 is a story about a young girl, Matilda “Mattie” Cook, who faces challenges surviving in a Yellow Fever- struck city (Philadelphia). Mattie loses her grandfather on her journey of survival and her mother is nowhere to be seen, leaving Mattie to grow up and survive her journey alone. If the story was taking place in modern times, Mattie and the rest of Philadelphia would not struggle as much as they did in the story. The modern day technology that is here today allows this generation to progress through life smoother. Today’s technology would have a significant, positive impact on the community during 1793. If the people of Philadelphia had the knowledge of symptoms and treatments of Yellow Fever, they would have known for sure if the fever was occurring in the beginning and they would have also known how the fever was to
The Yellow Fever is no different than many incurable diseases that we are fighting in today's society, such as AIDS, Hepatitis A&B, Herpes, certain Cancers, Ebola and the Killer Flu. When a person contacts some incurable disease, they must learn to live the rest of their lives with it, no matter how long that may be. Victims of these diseases can read Arthur Mervyn and relate to the way that the victims of the Yellow Fever felt; the only thing left to look forward to in life is death. Scientists today still haven't found cures for so many of these diseases, just like the physicians in Arthur
The motif of hope is shown when Gitl says, “Without laughter, there is no hope. Without hope, there is no life.” (Yolen, 101-102). This shows the theme because Gitl does not want to lose hope because, without hope, life is no fun. Another time the motif is shown is when _____. This shows the theme by proving that _____
The theme, hope is always present, is presented when Gabriela speaks of revenge. During chapter 9, Gabriela hides in a in a tree while the soldiers attack the pueblo. As she hides in the tree, she talks about the revenge she would like to have on soldiers. “My revenge would be to stay alive and someday speak of what I witnessed.”(pg 101, pdf). In this quote, Gabriela speaks about the revenge she would like to have on the soldiers. Even though Gabriela was looking death in the eye, she still had hope and believed that she could stay alive and have revenge on the soldiers by spreading the news. She had hope, that one day, the soldiers would be stopped and this conflict