
The Terrible Old Man Essay

Decent Essays

The Terrible Old Man

The Terrible Old Man is a short story written in 1920 by H.P. Lovecraft, who was a famous author of sciene fiction, fantasy and last but not least horrer. I will, by analysing the characters, the setting and the ending, try to interpret and find the main theme of this story. People often judge each other by the way that they dress, by the work they have or by their amount of money. Sometimes that judgement is fair but at other times it is most definitely not. The short story ”The Terrible Old Man” is one of those other times. The main character in his story is the Terrible Old Man. He is a very mysterious man. He is quite old and is believed to have been a captain of east india clipper ships. He leads a …show more content…

He was by nature reserved, and when one is aged and feeble, one’s reserve is doubly strong. Besides, so ancient a sea-captain must have witnessed scores of things much more stirring in the far-off days of his unremembered youth.” (section 7, l. 4).The text somehow changes from being objective to being subjectively written from the view of the citizens of Kingsport. The ending is written like there is no way that the Terrible Old Man could be the killer, because he is old, weak and all alone. That is the image of how people are seing the old man. They are not even giving it a second thought that he is not shocked by the story. They are judging him by ”his cover”. The main theme in this story is the old saying: ”You can't judge a book by its cover”. Through the whole story people are judging the Terrible Old Man by his cover. They are seeing an old, weak, poor man who is unable to do anyone any harm, or even to defend himself. And the truth is that he is quite dangerous and most certainly able to do others harm. In the end it is the mistake that the robbers make by judging the Terrible Old Man on his covers that leads to their deaths. And it is the mistake that the citizens make by judging him by his cover that leads to him getting away with

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