
The Temptation Of Mara In Siddhartha

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The story of Siddhartha and his search for enlightenment dates back centuries ago. The story goes, Siddhartha left his lavish life, and goes into the forest and practices a form of extreme Buddhism. Siddhartha eventually finds out extremes of anything don't work, so he goes and sits under a fig tree. He sits there reflecting on his life for seven days. From here he attains the three knowledges: the first knowledge was that of his past lives, the second was the laws of karma, the third was the release from attachments. These three knowledge based ideas the Buddha attained, were extremely important in the developing of Buddhism. Just as important were the three knowledges, so was the temptation of Mara.
The story of Mara starts way before the age of Siddhartha. Mara attempted to withhold Siddhartha from enlightenment by using temptations such as: violence, sensory pleasure and mockery. Mara is not just death itself, but the death of spiritual journeys, and evil of the ego. Mara uses the temptations any typical human ego would succumb to, in a humans ego. Mara is seen as a either a disgusting demon, elephant, bull, or serpant. Mara is also known for being a physical and psychological daemon of a human being. In my research, it has been said Mara has daughters, who help Mara temp people into achieving undesirable, bad, karma. It is also said in other versions of Maras family; he has 10 daughters who represent the 10 “chief sins”. …show more content…

Being able to transform to a physical and internal demon; he uses his powers to show Siddhartha the power of the egos desires. The first of the three temptations, Mara filled Siddhartha with thoughts of power and lust. At this point, Siddhartha was able to understand these were meaningless compared to the knowledge he wanted to attain. Using Maras’ own daughters, he tried to seduce the future Buddha. Mara was once again,

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