The research aim: to apply this methods on the teacher assistants of Canadian international collage, ahram Canadian university , modern and science academy . Introduction Managers are increasingly expected to be able to competently perform each of the four 'learning ' roles - trainer, coach, mentor, and counselor - for their team as the need arises. Coaching is driven by a questions addressed to the coachee. .coaching become a popular title that is being used by a lot of professionals often with no training .coaching is also solving problem, setting goals and learn new behaviours. The coaching programs was a satisfying experience for personal growth and professional development. Coaching is differ according to the culture ,this paper will illustrate the impact of coaching on employees and how to applying this methods in education level. Literature review 1.1 peer coaching coaching has been examined as a staff development model useful for teachers at all school levels and across all career stages. Specifically, researchers have studied peer coaching of pre‐service teachers (Lu, 2010) and novice teachers (Boreen et al., 2000; Portner, 1998); roles and responsibilities (Killion, 2009) and characteristics of coaches (Reiss, 2009); technology integration in the process of coaching (Barron et al., 2009; Scheeler et al., 2010). peer coaching emerged in the early 1980s as a strategy to improve the degree of implementation of new curriculum and instructional
HBL’s HR wanted its line managers to become the learning coach for junior staff but that would mean additional workload without any reward. Therefore, managers avoided and resisted to this approach for some time. On the other hand, senior managers were convinced that line managers should not be given further incentives as they considered it to be the part of their job. To some extent it was correct that line managers were responsible for their staff development but to be a formal coach who would set objectives and train staff accordingly would be something beyond their current scope. Therefore, it is important to appreciate the coaching process and reward employee and the coach if the learning reflects in the staff performance.
It is apparent that coaching has an enormous role in sustaining and creating well built workplaces and great organizations. Coaching is the process of assisting people develop their ability to think about things such as people, relationships, problems and their future. It is obvious that coaching helps people get through issues. Coaching helps people concentrate on the things they struggle on. Coaching helps them overcome those issues.
One definition of coaching is “Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximize their own performance.” (Coaching for performance, Sir John Whitmore 1992). Or to expand on this; Simply defined, coaching is one person guiding another through a process, leading to performance enhancement. The applications can vary, support to achieve a specific project, helping an individual to do better what they already do well, or developing a skill they don't yet possess.
The use of coaching by individuals and organizations has increased rapidly in last decade. As role of coaching is growing over the time, so has the need to find ways of assuring quality of the coaching services being provided. Coaching supervision is an essential part for continuous professional development of coaches. It’s the essential link between theory and coaching practice, the main source of assuring quality, to mitigate the risks may inherent in coaching. It can also help to increase the return on an investment in coaching and to provide evidence of that return.
The fourth section of the book which is profiling and coaching is described in 7 chapters. The section illustrates the variation between coaching specialties, and providing concrete successful coaches examples. These examples include relationship and creativity coaches, wellness and life coach, career and business coach, as well as leadership and executive coach among others. The book therefore touches on all couching specialties and thus, the book can be useful to anyone who wishes to develop a career in coaching. In addition, the book provide a holistic view of the coaching problem and thus, offering all possible solutions to the coaching problems (Allen & Grodzki, 2005).
What is coaching – “The coach works with the clients to achieve a speedy, increased and sustainable effectiveness in their lives and careers through focused learning. The coach’s sole aim is to work with the client to achieve all of the client’s potential-as defined by the client” The Coaching Manual Starr, J 2008.
Effective coaching can play a valuable part in any organisation, however there any many potential barriers that can prevent us to coach effectively.
Coaching is paramount to helping teachers improve their craft. There are a variety of different coaching models that a coach can consider. A coach will consider many factors when making the decision on what model to use. Some schools or districts may have a model in place that they want all of their coaches to use. When a coach needs to decide on the coaching model, he or she will use, will consider a variety of elements. The two coaching models I will discuss are the instructional coaching method and the content coaching model. The information I gather about my colleague will determine the best coaching model to use when we collaborate with one another.
Coaching is the art of facilitating another person’s learning, development and performance. Through coaching people are able to find their own solutions, develop their own skills and change their own behaviors and attitudes.
A coaching culture exists in an organization when a coaching approach is a key aspect of how the leaders, managers, and staff engage and develop all of their employees and stakeholders. Together the culture can increase individual, team, and organizational performance and shared value for all stakeholders. Although coaching often refers to a way to correct specific performance concerns in the workforce as part of training initiatives, it also has a broader meaning in the
Workplace coaching is a term that refers to the process of equipping people in the working environment with necessary tools, opportunities, and knowledge for total development in order to enhance their effectiveness from an individual, organizational, and work perspective. Workplace coaching has emerged as a major concept in modern organizations since leaders, researchers, and organizations have identified it as a crucial competency in leadership and management (Cacioppe, n.d.). The increase in this practice has also been attributed to the fact that employees continue to request for coaching. As an important competency in leadership and management, workplace coaching has assumed different perspectives and approaches because of the existence of various coaching models such as Systemic Psychodynamic Coaching model.
Coaching can take many forms, life coaching, business coaching, performance coaching etc. As with mentoring and counselling it is about helping the individual to gain self awareness, but it is goal focused and action is required so that the individual can move forward. The goal setting process has two components: skill development and psychological development. The outcome sought is that the "coachee" will achieve the goals set, and
The chartered Institute of Personnel and Development in the UK (CIPD 2009) reports that 79% of survey respondents are using coaching within their organisation and that 77% say coaching has been increasing in recent years. It is therefore no surprise that the large UK-based customer facing organisation, where I am hypothetically working as a human resources manager, has made a commitment to deliver coaching and mentoring to improve performance over the next two years. The aim of this report is to highlight how coaching and mentoring differs from training, and to also explain how the use of coaching can
Establishing coaching as part of organizational competence. This implies that organizations should establish a strong coaching culture. This can also be applicable towards mentoring. Doing so will aid the employees in to reach their full performance and aid them in strengthening their skills. This as well implies that companies should invest in training managers, especially in terms of coaching or even in mentoring, in order to leverage talents of peer coaches.
In this context, the help of external coaches could be required. During the training sessions, they would increase their knowledge about coaching and know more about all the aspects of coaching. Moreover, the managers would learn how to tackle each stage of the coaching process. They should also be empowered with particular coaching models and techniques that they would be able to use to coach their subordinates. However, coaching is not only about processes and models or techniques. There are certain soft skills that coaches need to acquire to be able to coach. These skills would help them to better communicate with their coachees. It should also be noted that managers should adopt certain roles while coaching. 83.3% of managers agree that they do not adopt any role while coaching and this may hinder coaching. Managers need to be acquainted with the roles of facilitator, assessor, supporter and advisor as this would highly be beneficial for them. Alongside, while adopting these roles, managers may better communicate with their subordinates.