
The Teacher Assistants Of Canadian International Collage, Ahram Canadian University, Modern And Science Academy Essay

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The research aim: to apply this methods on the teacher assistants of Canadian international collage, ahram Canadian university , modern and science academy . Introduction Managers are increasingly expected to be able to competently perform each of the four 'learning ' roles - trainer, coach, mentor, and counselor - for their team as the need arises. Coaching is driven by a questions addressed to the coachee. .coaching become a popular title that is being used by a lot of professionals often with no training .coaching is also solving problem, setting goals and learn new behaviours. The coaching programs was a satisfying experience for personal growth and professional development. Coaching is differ according to the culture ,this paper will illustrate the impact of coaching on employees and how to applying this methods in education level. Literature review 1.1 peer coaching coaching has been examined as a staff development model useful for teachers at all school levels and across all career stages. Specifically, researchers have studied peer coaching of pre‐service teachers (Lu, 2010) and novice teachers (Boreen et al., 2000; Portner, 1998); roles and responsibilities (Killion, 2009) and characteristics of coaches (Reiss, 2009); technology integration in the process of coaching (Barron et al., 2009; Scheeler et al., 2010). peer coaching emerged in the early 1980s as a strategy to improve the degree of implementation of new curriculum and instructional

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