
The Teacher And Administrator Focus Group Essay

Decent Essays

The teacher and administrator focus group was conducted on Wednesday, March 1, 2016, before school. Seven participants were included in the teacher and administrative focus group including two teachers from Oilton Middle School, three teachers from Oilton High School, the principal of Oilton High School, and the school district counselor. The focus group interview session enabled the researcher to build conversations around specific topics, and allowed the interviewer to build increased levels of rapport with the participants (Stake, 2013).
The first question asked of the teacher and administrator focus group focused on the meaning of parent involvement to parents. JP, the school counselor, replied, “There is a group of parents who expects their kids to be taken care of 100% in their growth of education and socialization.” CS, a middle school, teacher followed up the response of JP by stating, “Unfortunately, I think a majority of our parents want 100% as far as us (teachers) taking care of everything. A few of our parents don’t have that expectation, but, for the most part, a majority of them do.” The teacher and administrative focus group members contended that parents should be informed and involved, but, parents have the mindset that their responsibility is to get their child to school with their books and homework and that the remainder of the educational process is totally the school’s responsibility.
The teacher/administrator focus group members were then asked what

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