
The System Of Science And The Law

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CHAPTER 1 Justice and Science Written Assignment
Q.1 The system of science and the law have two different purpose. Summarize these in your words.
Ans. The purpose of science and law are completely different from each other. As science is responsible for making us understand the natural world. Science is completely based on data and concepts which are together called scientific methods. Where law serves as system to find the truth via fair trial and decision of judge or jury.
Q.2 What type of incident was the most important in driving the initial development of forensic science?
Ans. The incident that acted as a driving force in the development of forensic science was the discovery of Locard’s exchange principal which was evolved from …show more content…

Mathieu Orfila (1847-1915) Spanish, French toxicologist was a forensic specialist as he worked and mastered his skills in forensic toxicology and solved many case of the same.
Calvin Goddard (1891-1955) American scientist who worked in the field of firearm and developed systematic examination system for identification and classification of firearms.
Q.4 List the forensic scientists that were involved in the early development of fingerprints. What made fingerprint so important to forensic science at the turn of the 20th century?
Ans. Fingerprints were used since 18th century as a mode of identification from one individual to another. Many famous scientists were involved in early development of the same. Following are some of them.
1. Victor Balthazard (1852-1950), French
Showed the uniqueness of fingerprints. His probability model showed that chances of same fingerprints are 1060 in different individuals.

2. Alphonse Bertillion (1853-1914), French
He was first scientist to solve a murder case using fingerprints in Europe.

3. Sir Fancies Galton (1822-1911), English
He started collecting thumbprints in 1888. He was the person who actually developed the first classification system for fingerprints which was later used by British government. Galton also showed the different patterns of finger prints like whorl, arch and loop. Fingerprints became important at the turn of 20th century because of there uniqueness as discovered by

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