
The Suspension Of Disbelief By Samuel Taylor Colridge

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“Suspension of disbelief” is an essential feature of theater. Is it essential in other areas of knowledge? Develop your answer with reference to 2 areas of knowledge. Word Count: 1228 In addressing this topic, one must understand the idea of suspension of disbelief; I took it upon myself to analyze its role in the arts, more specifically, theater and literature. An English poet, Samuel Taylor Colridge, established the idea of “poetic faith," which plays a crucial role in the arts. An excerpt from Coleridge’s Biographia Literaria states that his goal in entertaining the readers through the supernatural was, “to transfer from our inward nature a human interest and a semblance of truth sufficient to procure for these shadows of imagination …show more content…

Here, suspension of disbelief would have proved beneficial. When introduced to vectors in geometric proofs I immediately exercised judgement. Instead of accepting this knowledge, I challenged it making my comprehension more difficult. In math, suspension of disbelief is necessary to overcome confusion and apprehension. I found skepticism in my immediate personal perspective of apprehension and opinion of absurdity; in reality, if I had suspended this disbelief, my learning of this topic would have been smoother and easier. Yes, suspension of disbelief proved beneficial when learning complex and confusing disciplines like math, however, it can be harmful. How can the suspension of disbelief hinder the development of an Area of Knowledge? In the natural sciences, suspension of disbelief is closely viewed as ignorance which harms the development of knowledge. More specifically, interrupting the role of reason in the natural sciences hinders scientific advancements. For example, neuroscientist, Suzana Herculano-Houzel, could have ignored the holes in science, however, chose to acknowledge them and further her knowledge. Suzana Herculano-Houzel was puzzled by scientist’s explanations saying that the human brain was “special” to account for our brain’s superiority to other organisms. Other scientists accounted this proficiency due to size, yet, if that were true elephants would be smarter than

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