According to USA Today, more than 55 million homes with at least one iPhone, iPad, iPod or Mac computer. 1-in-10 homes that aren 't currently in that group plan to join it in the next year. With the popularity of Apple rising, many of us have read, watched, and listened to many accounts of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozinak and there numerous achievements. The Apple duo is considered one of the most brilliant teams of inventors ever because of their leadership qualities and motivation. This team began the foundation that has allowed Apple to hold the top spot on the list of most lucrative tech companies for the eighth year in a row. In February, it became the first company to hit more than $700 billion in market value (Griffin,
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Characteristics of the Apple Duo
Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak were neighborhood friends before they became the technological giants we know them as today. They were introduced by a mutual friend when Jobs was 16 and Wozniak was 17. The two tech-savvy teens immediately hit it off. Wozniak’s father was an engineer for a company called Lockheed. His father always inspired his son’s curiosity for technology and the two enjoyed working together on science fair projects. Jobs always had a knack for technology and worked at Hewlitt-Packard during his high school years. Wozniak also got a job at Hewlitt-Packard and the two friends became even closer. After high school, Jobs attended Reed College in Oregon. He dropped out after one semester and returned to California where he started working for Atari. His friend Steve Wozniak happened to be working for Atari as well. The two began brainstorming and bouncing ideas off one another. They teamed up and designed multiple games for Atari computers. One of their first joint creations that was not work-related was the blue box. The blue box was “an electronic device that simulated a telephone operator 's dialing console and provided the user with free phone calls” (About Money, 2015). This so called hacking ability proved the team’s ability to use technology for just about anything they wanted. They started out as friends, but certain characteristics allowed them to use their
In 1996, Apple was a struggling company that had lost more than 70% of its market capitalization in the past decade. Apple’s sales had fell dramatically and their new personal computers weren’t particularly popular with consumers. The return of Steve Jobs to the company was a turning point for Apple and initiated a new era for the firm. With the launch of innovative products such as the iPod, iPhone and iPad, Apple became the biggest brand in the world. Now it remained to be seen if Tim Cook would be able to continue to develop new products and maintain Apple’s success.
Steven Jobs and Steven Wozniak were friends in high school, which shared like interested in
Apple Computers is a well-established and highly profitable company that has several leading technology- and computer-based products on the market, and that retains a highly loyal consumer base in its niche personal computing market (Yahoo Finance, 2012; Hoovers, 2012). Though the company faltered for some time in its history, it has again reached the pinnacle of innovation and progress in the computing and technology industries, and its product rollouts constitute some of the most anticipated and avidly watched events each year by early adopters and investors alike (Yahoo Finance, 2012; Hoovers, 2012). Despite the recent passing of Steve Jobs, one of the company's founders and the company's CEO and public face during the company's resurgence over the past decade-and-a-half, most projections for the company are optimistic in both the short and long terms (Yahoo Finance, 2012).
Before starting his fourth year of college, Steve Wozniak decided he needed to get a job again. He looked through the newspaper and found a position as an electronics technician at Electroglass. His duty was to test electronics equipment all day long. He loved the job, but found a better one through his old pal Allen Baum. Allen was working at Hewlett-Packard, an electronics company in Palo Alto., CA. In 1973 Allen introduced Steve to a few of the engineers there. H-P offered Wozniak a job
College dropout Steve Jobs and high school dropout Steve Wozniak put Apple Computer (known as Apple) in the public eye on April 1st in 1976 via the Apple I computer kit, a starter for do-it-yourselfers (Deffree, Suzanne). Personal computing began primarily as an expensive hobby for those who could understand how to work with the mechanisms. The Apple I contained only the circuit board (the ‘brains’ of the system) with other limited things sold separately, but overall the system was to be built by its operator. It cost $666.66 which would be $2804.22 with relation to today’s inflation qualities (“The Inflation Calculator”, “History of the Apple Computer”). The introduction of these computers brought the technology to a wider audience, helping more people gain the
One of the worlds most valuable company is Apple. Apple leads the world in innovation with iPhone, iPad, Macs and many other devices. It all started when the 21 year-old college dropout. It was no straight path for him to get to what he created. It was more like a windy road. It was evident from his early years that he had no grand plan to do what he has done. However, Steve’s windy road growing up, jobs found inspiration and creativity and most
Apple Inc. is an American multinational technology business headquartered in Cupertino, California, established by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne on April 1, 1976, to sketch, fabricate, and sell consumer electronics, computer software, and online services. Apple is the world 's second-largest information technology company after Samsung electronics, the world 's largest technology company by total assets. On November 25, 2014, Apple became the first U.S. Company to be treasured at over 700 billion dollars, besides being the largest publicly traded corporation in the world by market capitalization. Apple is a very successful producer of computer software and hardware, however it has demonstrated internal and external areas that need enhancement along with other areas that prove to be profitable.
Apple prides itself on offering innovative technology to a society that has become dependent on it. In markets inundated with companies offering similar products and services, Apple has had to rise above and distinguish itself from the masses. While their products have a cultivated a devoted-customer following (our family is one of them), their organization and the values it espouses are what will help them to remain a relevant and successful company in the tech world.
One of the most successful companies in the world is Apple. It is currently the highest valued company and is expected to be the first trillion-dollar company. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak were the main two people involved in the company. Jobs was the salesman and Wozniak was the engineer. They started the entire company from Jobs’s garage. They together launched the most innovative tech company. Apple helped launch some of the most common features found in most modern-day tech. With the Macintosh 128k and the Apple II, Apple helped illustrate how a computer should be built. These two products, and the different software/ applications that came with them, helped inspire many different future technology. Without Apple, our lives could have been
Apple as one of the most famous and successful corporations and brands in the world can attribute its past success to Steve Jobs and their employees. The whole organisation understands the companies (mainly Steve Jobs) vision and philosophy.
Wozniak once said in an interview with ABC News “We both loved electronics and the way we used to hook up digital chips," Wozniak said. "Very few people, especially back then had any idea what chips were, how they worked and what they could do. I had designed many computers so I was way ahead of him in electronics and computer design, but we still had common interests. We both had pretty much sort of an independent attitude about things in the world.”
Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne founded Apple in April 1976. Starting from a small garage in California’s Menlo Park, Apple has gone on to become the most valuable company on the planet. ‘The title of most valuable tech company has been solidly in Apple’s hands since 2010, when it passed Microsoft at a valuation around $220
The company has over the years tremendously satisfied its loyal customers that are engaged with its services at a fast growing rate. All these have provided the company with an unparalleled foundation for the present and future business. As at 2015, Apple, Inc. was far and away the most valuable global brand with a worth of $128 billion. This was up 23 percent from 2014’s $105 billion. In the same year, Apple, Inc. was the first American company to have a market value of above $700 billion adding to its long list of accomplishments it has recorded in its consumer goods sector and electronic equipment industry (Kopytoff, 2015). Similarly, as at the December 2015 quarter, revenues at Apple, Inc. hit a record $75.9 billion. During that time, Apple, Inc. sold about 74.8 million iPhones (Vizard, 2016). This was an all-time high. Deriving from this figures, one grasps that about 34,000 iPhones were sold on average per hour, more than four times the volume of iPhone that Apple, Inc. was selling five years ago. Analysts believe that Apple, Inc. is reliant on the iPhone brand for its present and future growth.
The multi billion-dollar corporation, Apple Inc., designs and manufactures some of today’s highest technological gizmos and gadgets. Among their best known products are the Apple and Macintosh computers, iPods, iTunes, iPhones and iPads. Apple is one of the most powerful and influential high tech companies in the world. The success of Apple Inc. stems from the innovation and visions of co-founder and entrepreneur, Steve Jobs, the excellence of the stylish, user-friendly products, and the ability to create innovative products that consumer’s desire.
Apple, Inc. has positioned itself as the world’s most profitable technology company in the world through its innovation and business practices. Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne founded Apple Inc. in 1976, to develop and sell personal computers. The vision was to change the way the world viewed computers by making them small enough for people to have in their homes or offices. It is widely reported that Jobs and Wozniak started by building the Apple I in Jobs’ garage. The Apple I was sold without a monitor, keyboard, or casing. The company was incorporated as Apple Computer, Inc. in 1977, later renamed as simply Apple Inc. in 2007. The Apple II, an 8-bit home computer introduced later in 1977, was one of the first highly successful mass-produced microcomputer products. The Apple II revolutionized the computer industry with the introduction of the first-ever color graphics. As a result, sales soared from $7.8 million in 1978 to $117 million in 1980. On December 12, 1980, Apple launched its initial public offering of its stock, selling 4.6 million shares at $22 per share with the stock symbol “AAPL” on the NASDAQ market. An article in the EDN recalls that the shares sold out almost immediately and the IPO generated more capital than any IPO since Ford Motor Company in 1956. By the end of the day, the stock had increased in value by almost 32 percent to close at $29, leaving the company with a market value of $1.778 billion. Due to conflicts with board