
The Success Of The Apple Duo

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According to USA Today, more than 55 million homes with at least one iPhone, iPad, iPod or Mac computer. 1-in-10 homes that aren 't currently in that group plan to join it in the next year. With the popularity of Apple rising, many of us have read, watched, and listened to many accounts of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozinak and there numerous achievements. The Apple duo is considered one of the most brilliant teams of inventors ever because of their leadership qualities and motivation. This team began the foundation that has allowed Apple to hold the top spot on the list of most lucrative tech companies for the eighth year in a row. In February, it became the first company to hit more than $700 billion in market value (Griffin, …show more content…

Characteristics of the Apple Duo
Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak were neighborhood friends before they became the technological giants we know them as today. They were introduced by a mutual friend when Jobs was 16 and Wozniak was 17. The two tech-savvy teens immediately hit it off. Wozniak’s father was an engineer for a company called Lockheed. His father always inspired his son’s curiosity for technology and the two enjoyed working together on science fair projects. Jobs always had a knack for technology and worked at Hewlitt-Packard during his high school years. Wozniak also got a job at Hewlitt-Packard and the two friends became even closer. After high school, Jobs attended Reed College in Oregon. He dropped out after one semester and returned to California where he started working for Atari. His friend Steve Wozniak happened to be working for Atari as well. The two began brainstorming and bouncing ideas off one another. They teamed up and designed multiple games for Atari computers. One of their first joint creations that was not work-related was the blue box. The blue box was “an electronic device that simulated a telephone operator 's dialing console and provided the user with free phone calls” (About Money, 2015). This so called hacking ability proved the team’s ability to use technology for just about anything they wanted. They started out as friends, but certain characteristics allowed them to use their

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