
The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)

Satisfactory Essays

One thing that I learned about that I didn’t know about was the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). In the course book on 940, it mentions that they embraced civil disobedience and the nonviolence principles of Martin Luther King Jr. They would not respond with violence if they were attacked. In an article titled, “SNCC”, written by the staff, it mentions that in 1966, when Stokely Carmichael was elected head of the SNCC he had new tactics one of which was the use of violence as a legitimate means of self-defense. It goes on to mentions that his successor, H. Rap Brown, went further, saying, “Violence is as American as cherry pie.” This is what made it interesting, they group started of with not responding to the

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