
The Story of Stuff

Better Essays

“The Story of Stuff”

All our stuff goes through a process in the materials economy: extraction, production, distribution, consumption, and disposal. It sounds so simple but there are a lot of loopholes in between each step goes through.

The first stage is extraction. Extraction means taking the planet’s resources – wood, minerals, coal, fossil fuel, water, plants, animals, and soil out of the earth and starting their journey through the materials economy. The problem here is simple: we are using too much stuff, the processes by which we extract all that stuff cause more damage and we are not sharing the stuff equitably. We are trashing the planet. We are using and wasting more resources each year than the earth can renew. …show more content…

The goal here is to keep the prices down, keep the people buying and keep the materials flowing. A key strategy business use to keep prices down is to externalize costs. That means that the price tags on consumer products don’t capture the true costs of producing and distributing all these stuff.

Distributing all these stuff creates more environmental impacts. Energy is used to transport the stuff around the world as well as for lighting and temperature control of all the shopping malls and stores. The sprawling retail infrastructure is chewing up farmland and wildlife habitat, contributing to car traffic, increasing greenhouse gases and urban runoff, and adding to local solid waste streams.

The failure of some big commercial retailers to provide adequate health coverage for workers is well documented. Requiring low paid store workers to cover health care costs, increases their stress, diverts already short earnings from other basic needs may undermine workers’ long term health. While big box stores tout the jobs they provide, most of the new service sector jobs are in suburbs, yet the highest concentration of unemployed workers is in urban areas.

Increasingly globalized distribution systems present obstacles to promoting sustainability and justice in the distribution of goods. It is harder to track the location and conditions under which products are made and harder to hold decision makers accountable along the way.

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