
Comparing Story Of An Hour And The Storm By Kate Chopin

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Feminist American author, Kate Chopin, is known for her stories with strong and daring female lead stories. Her common themes display women, femininity, marriage, liberation, oppression, and perseverance. The Louisiana based novelist famous works started the feminist movement. Chopin’s stories The Story of an Hour and The Storm have many similarities and differences as do the majority of her work. The main characters, Calixta and Mrs. Mallard, both portray an odd attitude towards marriage. The first story, The Story of an Hour, shows a fragile women with a heart disease who had lost her husband. She is overwhelmed with grief and mourns immediately. She goes to be by herself only to realize she has the freedom she never knew she desired. “There was a feverish triumph in her eyes, and she carried herself unwittingly like a goddess of Victory” (The Story of an Hour 397). Within the next few hours she comes down the stairs with her sister by her side only to be confronted with her husband himself. It turns out he was not dead at all and Mrs. Mallard ironically dies in front of her husband, Mr. Mallard. The second story, The Storm, tells about a woman and man having an affair. It begins with a son and father stuck at a market with the wife/mom alone at home as everyone is seeking shelter from a storm. Whilst home alone the main character, Calixta, is stumbled upon by a old lover, Alcée, who is searching for shelter from the storm. Calixta lets him in her home as they both

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