
The Story Of A Bad Dream : A Short Story

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I walk up with a start sweating heavily and breathing hard. I look over at my sister to make sure she was alright, I then let out the breath I was holding "thank god it was just a bad dream". The clock on the bed side table reads 4:00, great might as well just start getting ready. I then head to the bathroom to do my morning routine and take a shower. After I was done with everything in the bathroom the clock reads 5:30 so I decide just to wake up my sister. I nudge her and all she does is rolls over, so I then pulled her blanket off of her and she whispers "five more minutes", I just laugh and pull her off the bed, she then starts yelling at me so I take that as the sign to leave the room and see if my parents are up.

After I shut the hotels room slowly I start walking down the hallway quietly to make sure I wake up no one still sleeping. As I was walking I saw the janitor looking at me while I walk past him I couldn't tell if he was mad or just rude but he kept giving me glares. I then walk a little faster just so I didn't have to look at him anymore, but as a walked faster I noticed his eyes were changing colors as he keeped glaring at me. Once I reach my parents hotel room that was down the hallway I knock and wait patiently at the door. The door opens about a minute later with my dad standing there., "Perfect I was just about to head down there to see if you guys were up". Are you guys ready to head down for breakfast in the hotel lobby before we head out. I laugh,

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