I walk up with a start sweating heavily and breathing hard. I look over at my sister to make sure she was alright, I then let out the breath I was holding "thank god it was just a bad dream". The clock on the bed side table reads 4:00, great might as well just start getting ready. I then head to the bathroom to do my morning routine and take a shower. After I was done with everything in the bathroom the clock reads 5:30 so I decide just to wake up my sister. I nudge her and all she does is rolls over, so I then pulled her blanket off of her and she whispers "five more minutes", I just laugh and pull her off the bed, she then starts yelling at me so I take that as the sign to leave the room and see if my parents are up.
After I shut the hotels room slowly I start walking down the hallway quietly to make sure I wake up no one still sleeping. As I was walking I saw the janitor looking at me while I walk past him I couldn't tell if he was mad or just rude but he kept giving me glares. I then walk a little faster just so I didn't have to look at him anymore, but as a walked faster I noticed his eyes were changing colors as he keeped glaring at me. Once I reach my parents hotel room that was down the hallway I knock and wait patiently at the door. The door opens about a minute later with my dad standing there., "Perfect I was just about to head down there to see if you guys were up". Are you guys ready to head down for breakfast in the hotel lobby before we head out. I laugh,
What Dreams May Come is a movie about life, loss, death, afterlife and rebirth. The film explores the emotions evoked by a variety of characters when they are faced with coping with tragedy and death. It also delves into the manifestations of heaven and the variety of forms heaven takes in the minds of different people.
When I woke up, I had no idea where I was, until seconds later when I realized almost everything in the room was white. My hair was pulled out of my bun and I was wearing a patient's gown. There was a lady in baby blue shirt with little snoopy dogs on it leaning over the bed with a clipboard in her left hand, and a pen in her right. The instant I moved my head to look around, I regretted it and let my head flop back down, then regretted that even more. My whole right side of my body felt like it was being burned and stabbed right there on the spot. I moaned and I heard my mom's voice, just a little too
A Dream in Doubt A Dream in Doubt, a documentary directed by Tami Yeager, it records an immigrant story of survival in a world in which patriotism has morphed into violence. The film follows Rana Singh Sodhi, an Indian immigrant whose life is dramatically changed by the 9/11 terror attacks. His turban and beard, articles of Sikh faith, these signature Sikhs features symbolize the face of America’s new enemy. Some radicals view themselves as proud defenders of America, therefore they regard many innocent Sikhs as their revenge target for releasing their hostility.
“Boom”!! Immediately my parents came upstairs like they were going to go run a race, and like they were going to win.They saw my door opened. My sister came to my room with her phone, and says” should i call the doctor, or should I call 911, or wait should I go get your phone and call the doctor”. “Go get my phone, and call the doctor as quick as possible” dad reply after hearing my sister Brooklyn talk a lot. And then, they heard someone knocking on the door and that was the doctor so Brooklyn opened the door, and while she was opening the door they tried to wake me up by calling my name a millions of times.But, wait I think you want to listen to the whole story.
I am startled awake by a loud bang. I am still tucked neatly under the sheets just as mommy left me before I went to bed, but Big Brother is no longer by my side. I turn to find my bedroom door wide open. I quietly climb out of bed and make my way to the hallway. As I make it to the door there is a sudden scream from downstairs and I know that it is Mommy. I fall to my hands and knees and begin to crawl to the stairs that would lead me to where Mommy was. I am halfway down when I hear Mommy scream, “Don’t you touch him!” I can not see them, but I could hear them. Mommy and Big Brother were screaming while he yelled at them angrily.
“Such are the familiar dreams of falling from a height, of teeth falling out, of flying and of embarrassment of being naked” (Freud 69). These dreams that we experience, are believed to be representations of our desires or fears, according to Freudian ideology. Sigmund Freud also believed that there existed a structural model for our personalities that consisted of the id, ego, and superego. He held the idea that the id was an instinctual drive that relied upon the pleasure principle. Conversely, however outrageous the desire was, it was repressed by the superego. This superego functioned as a censor, which assisted us in undertaking socially acceptable behaviors, by repressing urges from the id. The ego acted upon the reality principle
I guess I was just making things up so I went back inside. I got under the covers again and Bear hopped up on the bed too and went to sleep. CRASH! I immediately woke up startled by the noise I nearly fell off the bed. Bear woke up too, he started barking but I covered his mouth quick enough so he wouldn't wake dad up. I tiptoed down the hall and said, "hello" to make sure someone was there I didn't hear anything so I went down the stairs into the kitchen. I saw that a window was open and the vase in front of the window was broken and pieces of it where scattered in front of the table. I shut the window and then I bent down to pick up the broken vase when i saw a brick with a note on it. It read,
I came home from school and laid on my bed mentally exhausted from the work I had been doing for the past 7 hours. I kicked my shoes off and got up to turn on the light, I flicked the light switch and started to walk away before realizing the light didn’t turn on. I flicked it off and on a few more times before going to the living room to look for my mom. ‘Mommmm” I said “Are you home?” I walk down the hall “The powers off again” Realizing she isn’t home I go back to my room and go to bed.
Having a dream and living with passion is very important because I believe living without passion is like being dead. Someone like Tony Hawk could agree. Tony Hawk has been a professional skateboarder for over 24 years. However, he did not receive that title overnight; Tony got his first skateboard when he was only 9 years old. Since then, Tony worked extremely hard and put a lot of his focus on skateboarding. He did it because that was his Dream. Tony’s Dream was frowned upon by many of his teachers and adults alike. One of his teachers even told him that he “would never make it in the workplace if he didn’t follow directions exactly” (Hawk), but he never gave up his Dream. He kept working hard and eventually became a pro at the young age of 15.
I grab a white glass bowl from the cabinet and set it on the counter. I grab a box of fruity pebbles and pour some in a bowl. I grab the milk and pour some milk in the bowl. I sit at the table all by myself and eat my cereal in silence. I should make sure my mom and dad are already awake. I walk down the hall and into my parents room. I walk in and notice the bathroom light glowing from under the door. I look to the bed and notice my mom still sleeping. I walk to the bed and tap her arm. "What" "It's 7:30" I reply. "Okay, I'm getting up
Thesis Statement: Dreams are successions of images, emotions, and sensations that occur subconsciously during sleep.
My mother was in the kitchen actually talking to another human being which was weird to witness. She was inviting a friend over for dinner , and asked me to get presentable because she hasn't seen her friend in years. As i smelt the fumes of baking chicken and grilled asparagus I dressed myself in a pale pink loose top and black jeans and pinned my hair up. I heard the doorbell ring and I was walking out my bedroom when I hear my mother scream , “ Raina !! come on answer the door they are here!! Raina honey come on hurry they’re waiting!!” In my head I was telling my mom to calm the f**k down it irritated me when she yelled. As I reached the door I turned the knob and opened the door , I was stunned at how beautiful the woman was nothing compared to my mother which explained why she was trying to impress this woman. “Hey ! And what might your name be?? Wow you look so beautiful even better than I had predicted, when I gazed over her shoulder I noticed a shadow moving in the back and I heard the door shut it approached the doorway behind the woman. When he got close enough I realized it was Adrien. Instantly I wished I had taken more time on makeup , I could feel the unevenness of my attempt to do a wing liner . I escorted them inside after the hello let's be fake and act like we are excited to be with each other for a few hours. I took
With all of the cracks in the ceiling of your bedroom, you can see the stars at night and the sun in the morning. With all of the old rotted hardwood floors, you hope to stay in that room until the morning and not end up in the room below you. At night you start to stare around your room as you fall asleep, then you see a splatter of blood on the wall and you get up and check behind the door and see HELP written all in blood. And at the vent there’s tons of blood leading down it. Then you hear a noise come from the room below, and when you go and see whats making the noise, there’s a girl in a chair and shes all tied up. Then you realize, that girl in the chair is your daughter. Right after you untie her the window bursts wide open with
The morning was cold cause the Furnace did not work which probably the reason the houses pay requirement was so low to buy. I got but of course my parents were gone to work already so I though maybe to Facebook my friends in Florida but my father did not know how to start the wifi so i proceeded into the basement to hook the network up. As i slowly stepped down the steep old stairs i began to see an array of board games very amused I tried to grab one but then a very dark feeling came over me and I felt way too sick to move. I lie there on the floor crying praying for the moment to end. Just then I awoke in the car with all of the luggage on our way the our cozy new yorkers
I jolted awake in fear. I had a dream. A weird dream. A vivid dream. It was full of people shouting and bright flashes of light. It was confusing yet clear, like some part of me understood it. I didn’t know it would be important then but now I know. How? Well, it happened like this…