Akins 1 Makenzie Akins Mr. March English 1 1 April 2016 The start of Hitler’s Genocide Genocide during the Holocaust was a horrible event and shows how cruel humans can be to the handicapped or any group seen as different. Hitler’s Beliefs The Nazis wanted to create a society of healthy and strong individuals that could make Germany the “master race”. They believed that there was no place for the weak and disabled. The physically and mentally handicapped were viewed as "useless" to society. They were seen as a threat to genetic purity, and, ultimately, unworthy of life ("The Holocaust”). They wanted to make sure that they had only strong and healthy people available to them if they had to put together an army and go to war. Hitler believed that Germany would rule the world one day. He thought that only people of German blood should live in Germany. He also wanted to rid Germany of the mentally and physically disabled because they were seen as imperfect and a drain on their resources. Patient Diagnosis In the spring and summer of 1939 the Nazis started to work on a plan to get rid of children and infants who were born with a handicap. There were several categories that defined a handicap. One was mental disabilities which included schizophrenia, epilepsy, dementia, and other mental or neurological disorders. There was another category for physical handicaps such Akins 2 as missing or deformed limbs, down syndrome, and paralysis. Some other categories included
Hitler believed the Jews were responsible for the loss of world war one and also the settlement that made the Germans pay for the damages in europe. Hitler thought the Germans were a superior race. Hitler wanted to destroy all educated Jews so that if the war was lost then they wouldn't know what to do after the concentration camps
He believed that “Aryans” were the purified race. He pronounced that his race must remain pure in order to one day take over the world. For Hitler, the ideal "Aryan" was blond, blue-eyed, and tall. Although Hitler was not even close to looking like an Aryan, he showed the love he had for them. His mind-set was very racist and discriminatory. He had the idea of a “master race” and he discriminated anyone that wasn’t a part of it. He believed that the Germanic people were the only purified race and everyone else was filthy. The Nazis began to put their ideology into practice with the support of German scientists who believed that the human race could be improved by limiting the reproduction of people considered "inferior." The only way Hitler could carry on his “master race” was by getting rid of every non-aryan. He went on a hunting spree for every Jew, Gypsy, homo-sexual, etc. He thought they were not pure and didn’t belong on earth, and this expresses the hatred and how discriminatory he was towards anyone that wasn’t German. By doing this, the Nazis grew in power and had the German society following them, which shows the control and power of Hitler’s words and actions. When Hitler and the Nazis came to power, these beliefs became the government ideology and were spread in publicly displayed posters, on the radio, in movies, in classrooms, and in newspapers. Hitler traveled in planes from city to city, spreading the word of the Aryan-race. He spoke to radio stations, educated children in school, posted pictures and many posters, but he mostly gave brainwashing speeches that tricked most of the German Society to follow him. He used blind obedience to grow his idea. Although most Germans followed out of fear, others seemed to resist and go against
Adolf Hitler, the leader of the Nazi party, had ambitions to create a perfect race. This meant eliminating the Jewish race along with other undesirable races and disabled humans.
The Nazis believed in ‘Aryan’ superiority, this belief contributed to the Holocaust. In the years of Nazi rule before World War II, The Nazi group organized policies of discrimination and separation targeting especially German Jews. The Nazi political group believed in one race Aryans, they believed the Aryans were superior to all races. Hitler was an anti-Semitic, he believed Jews were the main corrupter of culture, society and Germany. Non-Aryans were seen as impure and evil.
Adolf Hitler thought disabled Germans were more of a disease than a group of people. He used faux science and bias propaganda to persuade Germans that the disabled were a threat to the nation. Disabled Germans were persecuted by the Nazis through gassings, starvation, and lethal overdoses based on the belief that they were inferior members of society.
From 1933 to 1945, Germanyś government was led by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. During this time, they carried out a method to onslaught all European Jews. Because the Germans placed themselves as the superior people, they decided that Jews would be punished only because of their religion/race. In Hitlerś eyes, the only way for survival was to be a part of the ¨master race¨. The ¨master race¨ was to always stay ¨pure¨ in hope that one day, they would take over the world.
Hitler represented the Nazi party they wanted to kill off has many Jews as he could, they believed if they did this Germany would recovery from world war 1, also, they believed in a national community formed by so called racially pure people the Nazi party believed there should only be pure Germans. Blonde hair and blue-eyed Germans, they felt if you weren’t a pure German you weren’t a person.
The Nazis followed Darwin’s ideas of natural selection and used his theory “survival of the fittest” to guide their actions.6 This theory suggests that allowing disabled persons to live would eventually lead to the reproduction of additional “unfit” persons. Hitler and the Nazis pushed their propaganda onto the general population, insisting that the disabled placed an unnecessary burden on the country by portraying them as problematic, but also as freaks.7 Disabled persons, including those who were both physically and mentally handicapped, were ordered to mental institutions and the Nazi euthanasia programs began.
The Nazi government found many methods to persecute the disabled, including involuntary sterilization. Hitler claimed that disabled Germans cost the government and that they were incapable of helping the motherland. The Nazi regime did everything they could to rid Germany of the disabled; they created unfair laws, medical exams, and sent the disabled to special facilities.(FINAL SOLUTIONS: MURDEROUS RACIAL HYGIENE, 1939–1945.)
German dictator, Adolf Hitler wanted a new order for Germany and his so-called Aryan race. As a part of achieving his ultimate goal, he would have to eliminate any and all other inferior races. This evil plan later became known as the Holocaust. Hitler, with the aid of the Nazis and concentration camps, brought terror and devastation to the Jewish communities of Eastern Europe.
The main goal of Adolf hitler was to create more living space for the German people so they dominated the world because he wanted to create a racist world in which one dominant
Hitler believed that pure Germans were superior to Jews and he wanted to kill them.
During 1933 through 1945 the Holocaust occurred that took place in Germany. The Holocaust is one of the world's most well-known topic of genocide in modern history. During the Holocaust many people lives were perished because of brutal acts by Nazi’s and Germans. Once Hitler became chancellor of Germany on January 30, 1933, many Jews were endangered to be killed. Until May 8, 1945, when the war in Europe ended. During the war many Jews were persecuted and would be killed. By 1933 there was a population of more than 9 million Jews in Europe and a large portion of they were killed in Germany or countries operated by Germany. The Nazis were also known as the National Socialist Party, they also complied with orders from Hitler. These
When first researching the Holocaust I believed that the genocide transpired strictly due to the racism. However, further into my research made me realize that there were many other factors that took a part in the genocide occurring. Adolf Hitler believed that Aryans were the superior race and through propaganda Hitler was able to develop the Nazi regime. Hitler wanted to completely annihilate the Jewish community due to their religion and the fact that they did not fit the Aryan descriptions. Hitler and his Nazi army wanted to cleanse the world of any race that did not include blond hair and blue eyes. Estimates prove that nearly six million Jews were murdered during the genocide.
Adolf Hitler’s goal was to create a master race. He saw the german people the best race in the world, and that they could cleanse other countries and he called his master race the Aryans. Since Hitler was baptized catholic, he believed that any other people outside the faith were condemned to hell but he took that idea way too far, and he viewed