
The Standards Of Excellence For An Effective Nurse

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1. As a UCH employee, you will be held to the UCHealth standards of excellence, these include a commitment to service, quality, teamwork, personal responsibility and communication. Please select one standard and explain what it means to you as you begin your professional career in nursing. (Word count limit: 250)

Although all five standards of excellence are equally important in the profession of nursing, communication stands out as a key foundation for being an effective nurse. Nursing involves a high level of communication with different cultures, ages, and patients/families. A major goal for a nurse is to form a trusting relationship with each patient and to do so a nurse must be mindful of a patient’s persona and must be able to accommodate communication styles accordingly. Communication is not just talking; communication involves active listening, mirroring others, writing, body language and so much more. Throughout my clinical experience, I have worked to treat each patient as an individual and having the ability to merge different communication techniques has served me well in forming therapeutic yet trusting relationships with my patients.

Communication amongst team members is equally important to the successful delivery of quality patient care. Effective communication within the team promotes trust and therefore enables the team to support one another. It eliminates errors and avoids misunderstandings within the work place thus saving valuable time. Additionally,

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