
The Spiritual Factor Of African American Males Attending A White Christian Institutions

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The Spiritual Factor: Examining the role spirituality plays in the development of African American Males attending Predominately White Christian Institutions

This study examined the role that spirituality plays in the development of African American males who attend predominately white Christian institutions (PCIs). This hermeneutic phenomenological study focused on Christian college students who were African American males ages 18-21 and identified as evangelical Christian. Findings illustrated

The Spiritual Factor: Examining the role spirituality plays in the development of African American Males attending Predominately White Christian Institutions
Historically, spirituality has played an important role in the lives of African Americans. Religion and spirituality has saturated various areas of African American life and its roots can be traced into different areas of life whether directly or indirectly, some form of religion or spirituality can be found in the cultural fabric of African Americans ( ). During slavery, slaves relied upon their faith to withstand the trials and tribulations of the times often using old Negro spirituals to communicate directions and codes on how to get toward freedom (citation). During the civil rights era where the Black church was a platform for social change, there was a frequent use of the church to spread the word of the civil rights agenda from the pulpit (Battle, 2006). African American families

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