
The Solar System Of The Sun At The Center And The Planets Revolving Around It

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The solar system consists of the Sun at the center and the planets revolving around it. In the past, it was difficult to determine anything about the objects but their path around the Sun.
Now, with telescopes, probes, and other devices, scientists can uncover much more information about objects in the solar system. One of the most important things that scientists uncover about objects are the properties of them. Some of these properties that scientists deduce are geologic activity, magnetic field, and composition. These unknowns seem simple to find on Earth, but with the distance that divides the scientists from the objects, it can prove quite difficult. Objects in the solar system each have unique properties, have properties that can be …show more content…

Objects in the solar system differ in terms of interior structure. An example of this is Mars’ interior in comparison to Earth’s. Mars is smaller than Earth but its crust in relation to its size is much has a larger ratio than Earth’s. Magnetic field is also a way that solar system objects differ.
To have a magnetic field, the object must have a spinning core of metal. Jupiter and Earth differ in magnetic fields with Jupiter having a magnetic field ten times that of Earth’s. The atmospheres of planets are different throughout the solar system. An example of this is that Jupiter’s atmosphere is made up of mostly hydrogen, Earth’s atmosphere is made up of mostly nitrogen, and some planets such as Mercury have no atmosphere. Geologic activity, composition, interior structure, magnetic field, and atmospheres of planets are all ways that objects in the solar system can differ.
Properties of planets can be deduced through a multitude of ways. Some ways to deduce these properties include comparative planetology, calculating formulas, and directly measuring them. Firstly, properties, such as geologic activity, can be determined by comparative planetology. An example of this is Olympus Mons on Mars. This large shield volcano can be compared to phenomena on Earth. The existence of shield volcanoes show that there was a hot spot underneath the crust. An interesting observation about Mars that was made through comparative planetology is that Mars’ crust is thicker

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