Education has a significant correlation on health outcomes. The following presented case study will demonstrate how the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) directly impacts health status. As described in Appendix A, Mrs. Smith is a 68-year-old female who was diagnosed with type I diabetes mellitus 37 years ago. She presented in hospital with a pressure ulcer on her left foot, which has increasingly worsened and become necrotic in certain areas. She has had uncontrolled blood glucose levels for many years and often does not prescribe to her medication schedule “because it doesn’t really work anyways.” She has a long history of neuropathy resulting from her poorly controlled diabetes mellitus. She also has difficulty understanding the …show more content…
According to the Canadian facts, when an individual has a higher education, they have improved health outcomes. This is often related to the fact that education increases income, employment, and provides improved job security. Education also produces enhanced literacy. Education allows for individuals to have an improved comprehension of the societal aspects that influence their health. Furthermore, by having improved education, a patient can advocate for their health, implement healthier lifestyle choices and seek out appropriate resources to enhance their health. The literature also demonstrates that poor education is equated with increased hospitalization stays, the use of emergency services and reduced medication compliance (Mikkonen, & Raphael, 2010).
Recommendations for Change at Level of the Healthcare Provider
The recommendations for change to practice at the level of the provider would include first treating the underlying problem that Mrs. Smith was admitted for. According to the literature, a progressively worsening diabetic foot ulcer requires implementing a multitude of strategies to prevent amputation of the limb. Adequate wound management, including debridement if required, and offloading techniques should be instilled for Mrs. Smith. Furthermore, education by the provider would be of critical importance for Mrs.
Many are benighted to the fact that health is rooted in a classist, race ingrained, education entrenched hierarchy. The higher you are on the socio-economic pyramid the greater the guarantee of safe housing, sufficient food, and access to quality care. High income and social status is correlated to better health outcomes because regardless of age and sex, low-income citizens are susceptible to lower life expectancy and more illnesses. This is further heightened by one 's race/ethnicity. The degree of control a person has over their way of life is based on stressors that these two factors (income and class) produce. Education goes hand in hand with socioeconomic status as education supposedly facilitates the likelihood of employment and consequently establishes a class paradigm. Outside of that, when people are knowledgeable and are equipped with problem solving skills they are privileged with a sense of autonomy over life circumstances. Education is a gateway for better access to healthcare and information on healthy living. Stressful occupations, underemployment, and unemployment are linked with poor health because a person 's job, or lack thereof, has domineering influences on their physical, mental, and social wellness. Employment provides financial stability, outlets for personal growth, opportunities for social contact etc. thus when that is generally nonexistent, or is taken away from a person, physiological and emotional safety is compromised. Then there is
Something that can be agreed on is the emphasis on education as a means to improve health outcomes. Education is an important factor in the social determinants of health that can improve and empower individuals. Those who are educated showed lower morbidity rates and were more likely to have better health (Picker
Social determinants of health are the social, physical and economic environments and places in which individuals are exposed to throughout their life that affect their health and well-being. Healthy People 2020 have identified five key determinants including: economic stability, education, social and community context, health and health care, and the neighborhood or built environment (Currie & Moretti, 2003). Education attainment is the most important and modifiable social determinant of health. This is because, education has broad impacts at the individual, societal and economic level. First, higher educational attainment enables an individual to increase their SES and income by having more opportunity for better paying jobs.
“Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people have a greater amount of disadvantage and significantly more health problems than the non-Aboriginal & Torres strait Islander population in Australia”
Research shows that seniors with less education and from lower socioeconomic levels experience more disease, a shorter life expectancy and poorer emotional wellbeing. Additionally, Raina et al. (2000) explains that older men and women health is differentially susceptible to various health determining factors. For example, for older men, education has more effect, income and stress affects older women. The proposition is that health education is necessary to create health awareness and to increase health outcome among the seniors. Rowlands, Protheroe, Winkley, Richardson, Seed & Rudd (2015) study shows that low health literacy is correlated with greater use of medical services, less precautionary care, greater difficulty managing long-term illnesses,
The social determinants of health have been said to be causes of a variety of mental and physical illnesses. There are five main social determinants of health, in agreement with the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, and they include: "education, economic stability, health and health care, neighborhood and built environment, and social and community context." These five identified factors shape and influence everyone within a community and assist with understanding health across various levels of the socioecological background.1-2
Another U.S. study found that low availability of emotional support and low social participation were associated with all-cause mortality.
A communicable disease chain is the mechanism by which an infective agent or pathogen is transmitted. The chain requires an infective agent, a source of infection, a mode of transmission and a host. An example of an infective agent could be bacteria, a virus, fungus, protozoan or helminth. The source of infective agents can be transmission from host to host, an infected human or animal, insects, soil or livestock. The mode of transmission is how the infective agent is carried from host to host. Transmission can be by air, ingestion or physical contact. To complete a life cycle or to replicate, the infective agent requires a host.
these issues though those might be temporary. A final solution will have to be a national policy change in immigration, however, until then we could pursue some international options to aid undocumented immigrants in the United States.
Education is an important social determinant of health because it affects many other determinants. Generally, people with worst health status have low education levels. Furthermore, people with low levels of education are more likely to have lifestyles which can lead to a chronic illness. Education empowers people with skills to
This essay will discuss ways in which a person’s socioeconomic class and his/her social situation can have an impact on his/her health, using examples. We believe that there is a direct link between socioeconomic/social class and health (Adler et al. 1994). I will be defining the key terms: socioeconomic and health, social class then proceed to discuss about how poverty, income, employability, environment and housing can impact on a person’s social situation and their health.
Social determinants of health are social, economic and physical factors that affect the health of individuals in any given population. There are fourteen social determinants of health but Income is perhaps the most important of these because it shapes living conditions, influences health related behaviors, and determines food security. In Canada, people with lower incomes are more susceptible to disease/ conditions, higher mortality rate, decreased life expectancy and poorer perceived health than people with high incomes. In numerous Canadian studies and reports, there has been more emphasis on health being based on an individual’s characteristics, choices and behaviours, rather than the role that income plays as a social determinant of health. Although Canada has one of the highest income economies in the world and is comprised of a free health care system, many low income families are a burden on the system because of the physical and mental health issues influenced by income insecurity. Low income individuals are heavier users of health care services because they have lower levels of health and more health problems than do people with higher incomes. This essay will address income as a social determinant of health in three key sections: what is known on the issue, why the issue is important and how can health and public policies address the issue. The main theme that runs through the essay is the income related health inequalities among low income groups compared to
The correlations between level of education and socioeconomic status, and therefore the general health of an individual, are repeatedly proven to be evident across the globe.
strong and consistent finding of epidemiologic research is that there are health differences among socioeconomic groups. Lower mortality, morbidity, and disability rates among socioeconomically advantaged people have been observed for hundreds of years and have been replicated using various indicators of socioeconomic status (SES) and multiple disease outcomes. Educational differentials in mortality have increased over the past three decades in this count. Moreover, formal comparisons of the mortality differences associated with education show that relationships between educational attainment and mortality are stronger in the United States than they are in most European countries. Results from
There are many components of social determinant of health. One of the essential components among other components of social determinants is education (Raphael 2004). Numerous studies reports on the significant associations between educational attainment and health outcomes (Baker et al. 2011).