
The Social Control Theory Of Criminology

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While most theories in criminology focus on the reasons and factors why people commit deviance, the social control theory focuses on the reasons why people conform to what is excecpted from society. The social control theory tends to revolve around questions such as why isn’t everyone motivated to commit acts of deviance as well as why individuals conform. The basic premise of the social control theory is that criminality results when an individual’s bond to society is weakened or broken. There are four social bonds in the social control theory, which are attachment, committment, belief and involvement. Travis Hirschi agrued that humans are like animals, they can be controlled but can be governed by conditioned instincts. In other words, …show more content…

This gave anybody the oppourtnity of walking up and becoming a new owner of a macbook and iphone.

Last but not least, the third potential theft opportunity that I encountered was a wallet I found in SU. A friend and I found a wallet by the student wellness center in Student Union. As an act of being good samartians, we took it to the card office, the best place to take a missing wallet. Although I had the tempation of opening the wallet to see who the person was or what was inside, I decided on

Attachment is the emotional bond, which can be described as the individual’s sensitivity to and interest in others. The reason why attachment is an observable factor is because people consider the embarrassment of being gulity of the crime or being charged for the crime. They also take into account how it might impact their relationships with their social groups such as family and friends. Attachment revolves around how much loyality people have towards social insititutions and care about the opinión of others. Social groups such as families and friends can impact the way people conform towards not committing crimes. Furthermore, the conformity to norms, awareness of the conscience, and the motives of the superego are what determine The more attached people are to social groups, the less likely they will be deviant. During my three potential theft encounters, my attachment

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