
The Social Construction Of Street Level Bureaucracy

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When I think about the criminal justice system and policing, a sense of order and protection comes to mind. “In society the police are highly important when it comes to keeping order and maintaining security in different groups” (Moulden, West, and Gardner, 2010). During my internship with the Police Department at the University of Michigan-Dearborn, they were going through a time of transition with new leadership and implementing new rules and procedures. Street-level bureaucrats have to make quick judgments about people on the spot in order to figure out how to handle them in whatever situation the person needs assistance. Some of the most important aspects associated with street-level bureaucracy are the use of discretion, collecting and testing evidence, and making judgments about other people while deciding on what to do with them. In this paper I will be writing the social construction of street-level bureaucracy. Police in particular have to rely on their own discretion in situations because people have different personalities and different attitudes and many officers don’t know what they are walking into much of the time.
“Street-level bureaucrats are supposed to satisfy the needs and wants of the public” (Lipsky, 2010). Street-level bureaucrats like police and firefighters take an oath to serve and protect to the best of their ability. When there is a fire, everyone is trying to run from the fire and firefighters are running into the fire to try and save anyone

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