
The Skin Or Integument System

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Integument System “The skin covers the entire external surface of the human body and is the principal site of interaction with the surrounding world.”-Bardia Amirlak. Everyday the skin comes in contact with many different specimens, toxins, bacteria, and environmental situations. It feels many different sensations, and changes. Also, the skin reacts in certain ways to certain situations accordingly within a millisecond. The skin or integument system is composed of many different sections and accessories, functions for multiple outlets, and falls at risk of disease everyday. The integument is divided by two main sections, the epidermis and dermis. (Amirlak) The outermost layer of the skin is the epidermis. The epidermis is composed …show more content…

The tactile cells are touch receptors while the dendritic cells are the immune system. (Amirlak) Then in the deepest layer, stratum basale, consists mainly stems cells constantly undergoing mitosis, causing layer after layer of new keratinocytes to be shoved towards the surface. Also in this layer, melanocytes can be found synthesizing melanin, which gives you your skin color. (Saladin) Lastly, the curvy boundary between the dermis and epidermis, is called the dermal papillae. These ridges actually create the projected fingerprint on the hand. (Amirlak) The dermis is composed mainly of dense irregular connective tissue, specifically collagenous fibers.(Amirlak) The dermis also contains other accessory structures including, the hair follicles and hair, various glands, and the nails. The hair follicles, and hair consist of a bulb, root and shaft. The bulb or indention around the base of the follicle, has many stem cells going through mitosis. This is also the only area of the hair, with living cells. (Saladin) The root is the remaining hair below the skin’s surface finally the shaft is the leftover hair above the surface. Another accessory, the glands, assort by sudoriferous, sebaceous, ceruminous, and mammary. (Accessory) Sudoriferous glands, or better know as scent glands, are categorized by either apocrine or merocrine. Apocrine are scent glands located in areola, axilla, groin, anal region, and adult male bread areas.

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