The word leadership has a lot of meanings, but its meaning is unique to the person who is giving the definition. Leadership is the ability to guide, direct, and motivate others to accomplish a mission or task. It is the ability to make subordinates see their own potential in their abilities and supervisors recognize and respect it. Leaders are entrusted with building up those they lead to ensure the individual can one day assume the responsibility of leading others. It is for this reason that the situational approach style of leadership best describes my leadership style. The situational approach stresses that leadership is composed of both a directive and a supportive dimension, and that each has to be applied appropriately in a given situation (Northouse, 2016). I recently retired from the Army after doing 20 years of active federal service. I was a sergeant after three years, made staff sergeant after six, and at my 11 year mark I decided to put in a warrant officer packet, in which I got accepted to become Warrant Officer 1. The young men and women that I had the privilege of leading all came from different walks of life, were different age, and had different levels of experience. This is why I identify more with the situational approach. To determine what is needed in a particular situation, a leader must evaluate her or his followers and assess how competent and committed they are to perform a given goal (Northouse, 2016). As a leader I had to
Situational leadership requires a leader to be mature enough to properly assess and execute the best leadership style based on the current situation that faces the organization. In many situations, if the leader can satisfy the
The situational leadership theory proposes that the leader’s style of leadership should be flexible and contingent on the staff’s developmental level including the willingness and capability to accomplish a task (Walter, 1980). Powell in his role as Secretary of State demonstrated situational leadership by recognizing the deficits of the state office and needs of the troops as well as officials in the office. Providing support to the troops and office staff was critical to making necessary changes. Powell provided clarity on the mission for the troops by being directive about changes needed and empowered staff to move toward career advancement (Harris, 2004) .
Leadership is organizing a group of people to achieve a common goal. Somebody whom people follow, or somebody who guides or directs others. There are many different leadership styles that can be exhibited by leaders in business.
Situational approach is either applying supportive or directive behaviors to specific situations. Every situation is unique which is why different methods should be applied accordingly, depending on the dynamics of the situation. To determine what behaviors are needed, a leader must analyze his or her followers’ commitment and competence.
leader will tell the follower what to do, how to do it, where to do
This is an introduction to the Situational Leadership Model by Hersey & Blanchard (1964), introduced in Chapter 5 of the textbook “Leadership: Theory and Practice” by Peter Northouse, a model that suggests that leadership should adapt to the development and commitment level of the employee (Northouse, 2016). The model suggests that at a lower level of employee development, i.e. competence & commitment, leaders should engage in a directing style of leadership, and at the other end employees with a high level of competence and commitment can be led with minimal directive and support (Northouse, 2016). The following is
In all honesty each of the theories in our reading carry some sort of relevance and irreloevance, not to mention that everyone one of them are interesting theories. Above all things there will always be a prejudice depending on one's frame of reference and the context of a situation, but from a general point of view these are the theories I find to be most agreeable with, most disagreeable with, and most interesting. Before I follow on though I must mention that the theory I find most agreeable with would be my most interesting one too as my interest would lean to that of something I would intend on implementing the most from a leadership point of view, but for the sake
This situational leadership theory is a great assessment to evaluate how people respond to working and being led in groups. The four situational leadership theory are telling, selling, participating, and delegating (Northouse, 2013).
Since there is no special or one precise type of leader, numerous leadership styles and theories have surfaced. This is because a different situations require different type of leadership styles. In many occasions, leadership theories help to predict the best leadership style to employ in a particular situation. This essay seeks explain why situational leadership theory is useful and relevant in developing an effective leadership culture. It is this writers hope that it can be used as a how to guide to enable managers to be more successful.
Situational leadership can be defined as a concept that helps understand leadership in terms of changing environment. Situational leadership theory was developed in 1969 by Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard.
What is Leadership? The leader is a member that directs and coordinates tasks that are relevant to the company. To be a considered leading individual you must either be appointed as a leader. The leader must be willing to do everything and anything possible to ensure that the group is organized and is one. As a leader, you have the power to control rewards and much more.
Leadership is an approach for a leader to guide, motivate, supervise, manage, and influence others in different situation to reach a goal. According to the Pettinger (2007), the leadership can be explained in several situations. First, the leaders have the responsible to provide vision and direction to the followers. Second, the leaders shall energise and motivate the followers. Third, the leaders shall set and enforce absolute standards of behaviour, attitude, presentation and performance.
Leadership is the ability or authority to guide and direct others towards achievement of goal without force that leaves them feeling empowered and accomplished. Besides, leader has a significant impact on ethical decision making. This is because leaders have the power to motivate others and enforce the organization norms and policies as well as their own viewpoint. Leadership involves establishing a clear vision, sharing that vision with others, providing the information, knowledge and methods to realize that vision, coordinating
Leadership is a complex process by which a person influences others to accomplish a mission, task, or objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. Leadership, as a process, shapes the goals of a group or organization, motivates behavior toward the achievement of those goals, and helps define group or organizational culture. It is primarily a process of influence. Leadership is a dynamic or changing process in the
The situational leadership model was proposed by its two authors, Ken Blanchard, and Paul Hersey in the year 1969. These authors based this model on the notion that leadership should adapt to different management practices and approaches to fit different situations and surpass any diversity of their encounters (Lussier & Achua, 2010). In particular, this model provides guidance on how to analyze a situation, choose effaceable strategies and adopt the most appropriate leadership style. Apparently, the two developers of the model researched and found that, given some case, leadership may fail to accomplish some goals due to adopting single incompatible and