
The Sisters Brothers And The Brothers

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In today’s society, women have an equal amount of rights compared to men. Women can work wherever they chose, vote for whomever they may choose, and pick a lifestyle of their own desire. This type of society has never been forever, meaning men were inferior to women at one point in time. The novel of The Sisters Brothers portrays this type of society, and we see many examples that the novel is presented in this type of society. The Sisters Brothers is a western-inspired story of 2 brothers and depicts many scenes where women are focused upon, and show many qualities and roles they play in their current society. Whereas one woman may play the role of a prostitute, others may obtain the role of a servant, shopkeeper or family caregiver. Within each role women play, many challenges appear, and different circumstances create different outcomes. Many of the women in the western community may have not had a choice in their current profession, meaning many of the prostitutes were forced upon this job, and the servants as well potentially did not have much of a choosing for their work style. This novel portrays men to be inferior to women, and women were not seen on the streets, but the background only. As the men would travel, and collect the money for survival, it would be the women who stay at home, or the women keeping the men content with their travels. Prostitution; the business of a male(s) and/or female(s) that exchange money or goods for sexual needs/desires. In the

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