
The Silk Road And Its Impact On The Future Of The War Against Drugs Ross

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Pulling into a run-down neighborhood that you will never see again, meeting someone you have only spoken briefly to over text or through a prepaid call. Moving to the door the nerves kick in, Are the drugs tainted? Will I be shot, raped, mugged? Will I even make it out of this house alive? These are all real feelings of someone who uses drugs. Ross Ulbricht created the Silk Road to make a safer environment for those who choose the freedom to use drugs, “A frictionless marketplace where everyone had freedom as long as it didn’t impinge on someone else’s freedom.”(1) Keeping up with other countries the government could have profited from Silk Road because being Free is the Libertarian way.
Free will and minimal government is what Ross Ulbricht wanted in life. He wanted to be free and for everyone else to be free as long as no one’s rights crossed over anyone else’s. Wanting this freedom and a positive impact on the future of the war against drugs Ross became Dread Pirate Roberts creating the Silk Road. The Silk Road was free in what it sold as long as there were” no child pornography, Stolen goods, or fake degrees. Ross summed it up as “Our basic rules are to treat others as you would wish to be treated and don’t do anything to hurt or scam someone else.” (2) The Silk Road made most of its profit from drug venders. Ross or Dread Pirate Roberts wanted what was best for people, no matter your drug of choice. He had Curtis Green a disabled EMT who had a thing for his own pain

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