
The Silent Epidemic Behind Nicaragua 's Rum

Decent Essays

Sometimes Hard Work Pays Off With Death. Rum, a favorite alcoholic beverage for many is consumed by millions around the world and according to Montauk Rum, Americans consume about 30 million gallons of rum each year, but do these rum drinkers know about the poor working conditions and mistreatment the workers go through? One author, Clarissa Wei wrote in her opinion article “The Silent Epidemic Behind Nicaragua’s Rum,” published in late 2015 by Munchies where she argues that while few improvements have been made in terms of working conditions on the field, however the changes are just not enough. Wei begins builder her credibility with testimonies from non-governmental organizations and other reputable sources and attempts to use emotion by using testimonial anecdotes from the workers talking about how they get mistreated. The target audiences of this article were males and females aged from twenty-one and above and to the owners of bars and liquor store where they carry Flor De Cana rum. It was intended for them because they are ones that could bring change to the poor working conditions by boycotting Flor De Cana rum. In the article, Wei starts by describing the scenery at the Flor de Cana rum factory she visited in Chichigalpa, a small town in Nicaragua. She talks about Flor de Cana being operated by Nicaragua Sugar Estates Limited, a subsidiary of Grupo Pellas, which is a multibillion-dollar company. Wei talks about the CKD, also known as Chronic Kidney disease, in

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