
The Significance Of Statutory Interpretation

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Statutory interpretation can be required when there is complexity of uncertainty arises when judges interpret the law. There are several instances where a judge may call for statues to be interpreted. For example, when there is failure in legislation on a particular point such as, change in the use of language. When there is a form of ambiguity in the statue it can lead to a dispute. Mean a dispute can arise when a statue can have more than one meaning which, could affect the outcome of a case dependent on which meaning they use to interpret the statue. However, statue in the 18th century, used words which has different meanings. Which, was illustrated in the case of Cheeseman v DPP. The defendant was witnessed masturbating in public toilet by the police officers. However, Under The Town Police Clauses Act 1847 , stated that they must be a passenger. On the other hand, The Public Health Amendment Act 1902, stated that the word, ‘street’ could mean any public places under the control of local authority which were the police officers. The Police Clauses Act stated the word, ‘passenger’ could have different meanings but, in this case they believed that it could mean a, ‘foot passenger’ also, the police were not travelling at the time they saw the defendant and he could not be arrested under these circumstances. This shows that there can be ambiguity interpreting statutes because, there was a form of lexical and structural ambiguity interpreting which resulted in a statutory

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