
The Side Show Analysis

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The movie Parable perplexed me about the meaning behind it at first. I knew the mime riding on the donkey was supposed to depict Jesus, but I did not understand what the mime was doing in each of the episodes. The episode where the mime helps the Roustabout carry the buckets of water up the hill to the elephants was confusing to me. The dunk tank scene was also very confusing to me, as well as the side show and the puppets. The only scenes I understood from the beginning was when the mime was hung in the harness and when Magnus disguised himself as Jesus. I understood that the mime hanging in the harness was suppose to relate to the crucifixion. I also understood that Magnus disguising himself as Jesus is like evil disguising as good. …show more content…

I learned that the episode where the mime helps the Roustabout is supposed to show Jesus helping those in need and lifting a burden. The mime lifted the Roustabout’s burdens by carrying the heavy buckets of water up the steep hill. I later understood after the class discussion that the dunk tank scene is meant to show targeting those who are different, bullying, and racism. The man throwing the balls targeted the black man in a form of racism. The Side Show episode later became clear to me after the discussion. This episode shows exploitation, which is making money from someone else's misfortune or taking advantage of people. The Side Show charged people money to get in and watch the magician place knives into the box which his assistant was in. The Puppets episode later became clear to me after the discussion, also. This episode shows the audience of the circus leaving as the mime placed himself in the harness just like Jesus’ followers left. I later understood that the man on the donkey riding along the road at the beginning but off the road at the end is supposed to tell you to not get sidetracked by following the wrong path, hence the man riding on a different path than everyone else.

The movie Parable can be explained by watching it while listening to the Godspell music. The song “Turn Back, O Man” can explain Magnus, who is the power of evil, waking up to turn

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