
The Seventh Man Quotes

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Have you ever been in a situation where you feel like you could do something but you did not . What if you were in a the woods and a bear was running at but your friend was not paying attention would you tell them about the bear or would you let them get mauled to death to give you a chance to run. Just imagine if you did yell at your friend would you blame yourself for there death.The narrator of “the seventh man” should forgive himself for his failure to save k. The seventh man struggled his whole life with irrational survivor guilt. The definition of survivor guilt is “one feels guilty despite the fact they did nothing wrong”. The seventh man did not make k follow him and he can not control the wave.The seventh man said that “i know the truth i know that i could have saved k”. How could he have saved him it was a typhoon and also K was never mad at him. Some people may say that the seventh man had rational guilt.He even said he was guilty.On the other hand the seventh man was saved by a neighbor how could he have saved himself. …show more content…

The seventh man was so traumatised by what happened to k he had to move “ I couldn't go on living in the sight of the beach where k had been swept away”. This quote reveals that the wave altered his life in many ways. He says that “I stayed away from my home town for over forty years”. The seventh man was scared for forty years of his life because of something that happened to him as a child.Though many people claim that he was better of leaving because he meet new people.On the other hand he lost valuable years of his life and his

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