
The Second Leading Cause Of Suicide In The 21st Century

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One of the major issues of the 21st century is suicide. The suicide rate has been increasing over the years rather than decreasing currently, “Suicide is the second leading cause of death for people15-29 years of age. Teen suicide statistics for youths 15-19 years of age indicate that from 1950-1990, the frequency of suicides increased by 300% and from 1990-2003, than that rate decreased by 35%.Over the past decade, however, the rate has again increased to 12.1 per 100,000. Every day, approximately 105 Americans die by suicide” (Suicide Fact 2003-2016). Suicide is not something easy that can be controled because although it is possible to see when a person has a problem it is hard to get the person to speak about the situation they are in. …show more content…

The raper who thinks it is just sex and nothing more is wrong. “Sexual abuse is any form of sexual violence, including rape, child molestation,and incest” Most sexual abuse experts agree that “sexual abuse is never only about sex. Instead, it is often an attempt to gain power over victims” (Sexual assault/ abuse). Even exposing a teen to one’s “genitals’ is a form of sexual abuse including “using a child for pornography” would also be considered as abuse (Child sexual abuse-2016). It is so easy for people to tell the people who have been sexually abuse to go get therapy but even affter therapy people don’t feel the same they go through a trauma that isn’t easy to get over with. It is such a horrifying thing to go through abuse not knowing how hard it is for the person who was abuse to be able to cope with life. Sexual abuse isn’t something someone may forget instantly keep in mind that sexual abuse crushes someone’s life forever. The petrafying memories haunt them for the rest of their life. “Rape is a horrible crime. And it effects the victims for the rest of their lives. Depression and post-traumatic stress disorder are common conditions among rape victims.Numerous rape victims have suicidal thoughts. Many die by suicide.Sexual assaults are, unfortunately, extremely common in the U.S” (Caruso-2002). So much damage done by one action causing a death because the person who was abuse can’t seek for help. They feel ashame even when it wasn’t their fault they were abuse

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