One of the major issues of the 21st century is suicide. The suicide rate has been increasing over the years rather than decreasing currently, “Suicide is the second leading cause of death for people15-29 years of age. Teen suicide statistics for youths 15-19 years of age indicate that from 1950-1990, the frequency of suicides increased by 300% and from 1990-2003, than that rate decreased by 35%.Over the past decade, however, the rate has again increased to 12.1 per 100,000. Every day, approximately 105 Americans die by suicide” (Suicide Fact 2003-2016). Suicide is not something easy that can be controled because although it is possible to see when a person has a problem it is hard to get the person to speak about the situation they are in. …show more content…
The raper who thinks it is just sex and nothing more is wrong. “Sexual abuse is any form of sexual violence, including rape, child molestation,and incest” Most sexual abuse experts agree that “sexual abuse is never only about sex. Instead, it is often an attempt to gain power over victims” (Sexual assault/ abuse). Even exposing a teen to one’s “genitals’ is a form of sexual abuse including “using a child for pornography” would also be considered as abuse (Child sexual abuse-2016). It is so easy for people to tell the people who have been sexually abuse to go get therapy but even affter therapy people don’t feel the same they go through a trauma that isn’t easy to get over with. It is such a horrifying thing to go through abuse not knowing how hard it is for the person who was abuse to be able to cope with life. Sexual abuse isn’t something someone may forget instantly keep in mind that sexual abuse crushes someone’s life forever. The petrafying memories haunt them for the rest of their life. “Rape is a horrible crime. And it effects the victims for the rest of their lives. Depression and post-traumatic stress disorder are common conditions among rape victims.Numerous rape victims have suicidal thoughts. Many die by suicide.Sexual assaults are, unfortunately, extremely common in the U.S” (Caruso-2002). So much damage done by one action causing a death because the person who was abuse can’t seek for help. They feel ashame even when it wasn’t their fault they were abuse
The rate of suicide, the act or an instance of taking one's own life voluntarily and intentionally, increases each year. “More adolescents die each year from suicide than from cancer, heart disease, AIDS, birth defects, stroke, pneumonia, influenza, and chronic lung disease, combined” (Preventing Teen Suicide, 2016, p.2). These facts show suicide is a serious problem among teens. Last year, teen suicide became the second leading cause of death in the United States confirming the significant increase in teen suicides.
Suicide has become a big issue in today's generation, especially for teens. Suicide is now known as the third leading cause of death among youth all around the world between 10 and 19 years of age. In the article, Preventing youth suicide-tips for parents and educators, the author states, “Teens are more prone to suicide because of the many difficult risks they may face today”, such as many teens face bullying in their schools, self-esteem problems, family dysfunction, drug addictions or it can be the simple fact that they are not mentally stable or have a mental illness like depression. However, suicide is preventable. Many teens who may be contemplating suicide frequently give signs, or approach in a different behavior. Some of these signs may include, suicidal threats, prior suicidal behavior, self harm acts, or change in behavior. It is crucial that parents, educators, and friends or family members notice these signs before the teen makes an effort to conduct an irreversible act. Many schools are taking role in suicide
Suicide is the third leading cause of death among 10-24 year olds in the United States (Kim, Dickstein). Every year there are thousands of teens dying, not from cancer, getting shot, or car accident, but by their own hands. Teens make the choice of committing suicide. Researchers reported that the number of teen suicides are rapidly growing each year. Whether people realize it or not, this is a huge problem and people need to acknowledge this situation. This problem can be prevented, just like any other problem in our world. Last year, there was this guy who committed suicide days before his graduation, but no one knew the justification behind his actions nor seen the signs. Locals would say many reasons why he did it, but only he knew why he did it. There are many causes to someone wanting to commit suicide. According to his mother, he was somewhat depressed, but continue to say that there was nothing wrong with him. Depression is the leading cause of someone wanting to committing suicide. Based on my research, I have come to the conclusion that depression is the main cause of suicide and experts agree with
Suicide has always been an intriguing and permanent solution to end an individual’s sorrow. This act of intentionally ending one's life seems to be the only option when individuals are willing to sacrifice their own life in hopes of finding tranquility. By overlooking a topic, such as suicide, there will be a lost on opportunities that are capable of preventing such actions. Suicide has always been around and to simply define it, this self destruction is a way to escape the horrible realities of life. The common expectation for the public is that everyone is aware of mental health or stability.
There is at least 113 suicides each day or 1 every 13 minutes. Suicide among males is the seventh leading cause of death and the fourteenth leading cause in females. Most suicides are with a firearm and are carried out with a “ Saturday night special”. (Dilaura,Cynthia DiLaura) “More than 90 percent of suicide attempts with a gun are fatal. “ (Brady Campaign) There are a number of reasons why suicide occurs. Stress is the number one cause among our youth, bullies, peer pressure, depression, and abuse. 41,100 people committed suicide in the United States in 2013. Our young teens today does not take time to look deeper into there problem and to seek out a better solution. They are looking for a quick fix but not realizing once the trigger is pulled the result is final with no turning back. Most people who has attempted suicide is more likely to try a second attempt and most have an underlying mental illness. There is many warming that someone may be in a suicide crisis. We most learn how to see things through their eyes. No matter what one is facing in life or the difficult that lie ahead of them Nothing is worth taken your own
Suicide is something that can not be overlooked. It not only affects adults but teens as well. Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the US. Some warning signs of suicide are changes in eating or sleeping, depression, and/or obsessed with death. But suicide is not the go to option, there is prevention!
"More people in the general population die from suicide than homicide in North America. There are almost 11 suicide deaths each year for every 100,000 people living in the United States, and for every suicide, there are between 8 and 25 attempts" (Brent 4203). Based on this research, the great effect of suicide is displayed. According to, suicide can be defined as "the intentional taking of one's own life." Suicide is a major issue for all people, but it most obviously affects those ranging from ten to twenty-four. People need to understand the tremendous ramifications caused from suicide everyday; when people take their lives, others lose their loved ones. Suicide, one of the leading causes of death of numerous people each day, has reached a crisis point for adolescents and young adults, and it needs to be prevented.
Every 40 seconds someone in the world DIES by suicide, every 41 seconds someone is left to make SENSE of it. Suicide is when someone intentionally end his or her own life for varying reasons which they find them reasonable and worthy enough to give up their lives. Suicide is event that is hard to cope with especially then the one who dies is young the devastation is even more profound. Suicide recently settled in the 3rd place of the top leading cause of death among 15 to 24 year olds, barely surpassed by homicide and accidents ( Many life events that happens on daily basis could lead to thoughts as confusion, self-doubt, bullying, depression, financial issues or pressure to succeed. When It comes to pressure to succeed in some countries like Egypt parents are adamant about the idea that their children must achieve educational ranks and get enrolled in what they see high prestigious majors as medicine and engineering. Suicide would be prevented more psychologically than physically as the tools used for ending one’s life or self-harming usually is accessible to all the people, it could be a firearm, pills or jumping of heights they are all easy to reach methods or tools. However, parents rarely give attention or realise the prevalence of suicide.
Every suicide effects more than the individual’s life, in truth it impacts families, communities and economic well-being of our nation. According, Piscopo, Lipari, Cooney, and Glasheen, (2016) “Suicide is an important public health problem in the United States and a tragedy for all involved—families, friends, neighbors, colleagues, and communities. In 2014, suicide was the 10th leading cause of death in the United States overall.1 Among people aged 10 to 34, suicide was the second highest cause of death, and for those aged 35 to 54, it was the fourth highest cause of death” (p. 2).
Suicide is one of the leading causes of death mostly in the age of 16-24. Suicide is becoming major issue in United States. Rate of Suicide in teenagers is rising day by day. I believe the people who commit a suicide are selfish people because they don’t think about their friends and family. When I was in my senior year a friend of mine, Jassey committed the suicide. A day before that we both were working on our government project, everything was great. Next day of school, I was in my math class, doing my warmup questions, and was not listening to our daily announcement. Suddenly I heard that Jassey had committed a suicide, it was shocking. He committed a suicide because he broke up with his girlfriend. His death was so depressing and shocking.
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 2015, suicide is the second leading cause of death in the adolescent population in this country and the number of occurrences continues to rise at a dramatic rate. For every teen that completes a suicide, 100 make an attempt, making suicide a paramount public health issue that needs to be addressed. Statistics show that since 2009, the rates of attempted and completed suicide, in this age group continue to steadily increase (Centers for Disease Control [CDC], 2015; Taliaferro, Oberstar, & Wagman-Borowsky, 2012).
Suicide prevention is not a last minute activity. Textbooks on depression state it should be acted on as soon as possible. Unfortunately, suicidal people are often afraid that trying to get help may bring them more pain: being told they are stupid, foolish, sinful, or manipulative; rejection; punishment; suspension from school or job; written records of their condition; or involuntary commitment. Studies have found that seventy five percent of suicides have shown signs of deep despair weeks or months prior to their death. By the year 2020, the World Health Organization estimates that suicide, brought on by depression, will be the number two cause of lives lost
Suicide is one of the leading causes of death in America especially among teenagers. The following data was drawn from the National Center for Health Statistics, CDC, it shows the suicide rates for males and females aged 15-19 years from 1975-2015 in the United States:
Suicide is the third leading cause of death today among teens and young adults. It is preventable yet thousands of people die of it each year. It is an act of intentionally causing one’s own death. According to SAVE, suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States and takes around 40,000 lives each year in the U.S. and 800,000 lives worldwide. There are a variety of reasons why people resort to suicide as a way to help themselves. Major events or negative changes in life can cause someone to think that suicide is the only way they can solve the problem. People with these thoughts often act differently than usual. There are a number of ways to help prevent suicidal thoughts simply by just talking to them. Suicide is wrong and
Suicide can be a difficult topic to discuss. Especially if one has known someone who has committed suicide. Suicide does not discriminate and happens anywhere that life exists. According to Rosenberg (1999),”Suicide is the 8th leading cause of death overall in the United States. For the elderly, it is the 13th, and for the young (15-24) it is it the 3rd leading cause of death” (pp. 83-87). The increasing rate of suicide has called implementations of suicide prevention plans. Prevention plans are not only in place for schools systems, there are many different suicide prevention plans pertaining to different groups of people. In this paper, I’m going to discuss a suicide prevention plan in a school system, a family prevention plan, and then