
The Schindler's List

Decent Essays

The Schindler’s List is a movie the deserves great gratitude. The movie was well put together with an amazing plot. As the film develops the story pushes you away but the suspense slowly grabs you and tells you to hold on. This film affected me personally and will forever change the way I view film.

Personally the Schindler’s list is the saddest movie I have ever seen. The plot pushed me away but the motive of the story forced me to continue to watch. Before the movie I agreed mentally put myself in a time period where people of Jewish descent were being murdered and treated like dirt. I have witnessed a society where a specific group was targeted and treated inhumanely because of their position in society. I thought I was an expert on the mistreatment of Jews but after seeing this movie I have to admit, it was wrong. Due to the little knowledge gained in high school, I was aware of the brutal punishment force upon a beautiful group of people. I just never witnessed it. …show more content…

The director of this film is Steven Spielberg. The director created a seen where psychologically the audience felt calm before dropping the viewers into hell. Steven Spielberg led you to think the ashes was snow and slowly dragged you to the truth. The director constantly did this throughout the whole movie which created on of the most beautiful endings to a film. The director showed growth of the major character’s morality. In the beginning of the film Oskar Schindler was a soulless business man and by the end of the film his heart was filled with kindness. Oskar Schindler gave hints that he was changing. For example, a young lady asked him personally to help and elderly couple escape the wraft of the Nazis. You could see the conflict inside of Oskar Schindler. This conflict was symbolized by the schism lighting on his face. The dark side represented the ability to say no and the light represented the heart he has in

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