Quote from John Stuart Mill: In our understandable desire to be fair and to protect the rights of offenders in our criminal justice system, let us never ignore or minimize the rights of their victims. The death penalty is a necessary tool that reaffirms the sanctity of human life while assuring that convicted killers will never again prey upon others.
Executive Summary
In this paper I seek to identify if the sanctity of life and capital punishment are compatible within the context of society, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. This paper will shed light on the perspective of the sanctity of life of those who practice Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Each faith agree on some respects of the sanctity of life but differ in their approach to
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Genesis 1:26 holds true for the Christian faith as well:
“And God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea…’ so God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them” (Genesis 1:26-27, KJV).
God values each life because He created it. It is with this perspective that every believer should value each human life. Since we have all been created in God’s image we should esteem other’s lives just as much as we esteem our own.
The exceptions that are presented with capital punishment in Christianity can date back into medieval times with the Inquisition. During this time, the Inquisition was purposed to rid the land of anything and anyone that did not believe in God. Capital punishment looked differently back then and we read about the hangings, the beheadings. When charged with a crime, innocent or guilty, the execution of the judgment was always carried out. Islam
“Human life is considered sacred in Islam on the basis that humanity is a creation of God. Human beings, and consequently their lives, are sacred because they are bearers of “the divine breath” (nafkha) within themselves…” (3)
The three faiths seem to agree on the sacredness of life as well as the source of creation beginning with God. The forms of capital punishment are where the three faiths differ. The Islamic faith can be misrepresented at times because we are only informed
"And God created the human in his image, in the image of God He created him, male and female He created them." (Norton Vol. A 159)
The right to life is the most basic right for human beings. “The International Covenant on
“In the day when God created man, he made them in the image of God.” -Genesis 5:2 (OI).
¨The taking of even one life is a momentous event.¨ (Bernardin, The Consistent Ethic of Life). The consistent ethic of life is founded on the belief that all life is sacred and worth protecting, while the reasons for capital punishment may seem similar-- retaliation for a life lost-- the death penalty directly goes against everything the consistent ethic of life teaches. As proven through these presentations, capital punishment cases are often inaccurate and biased, while the act of the Death Penalty has proven to be painful with many examples of botched executions. Not only is killing immoral, but how can we go through with these executions when evidence has shown the death penalty can be inefficient and some
“26 Then God said, ‘Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness...27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.’” Genesis 1:26a, 1:27
When the First World War erupted in Europe on July 28, 1914; President Woodrow Wilson formally proclaimed that the United States would remain neutral on August 4, 1914. However, the United States did not stick to this proclamation, and eventually became involved in the war efforts. This investigation aims to evaluate the reasons the United States violated their neutrality in order to join the war. In inquiring into the reasons of the United States’ entry into the war, the Zimmermann telegram will be assessed. Primary sources, Message to Congress., 2d Sess., Senate Doc and War Messages, 65th Cong., 1st Sess. Senate Doc. No. 5 by Woodrow Wilson will also be assessed. Online sources, for example
Capital punishment, otherwise known as the death penalty, has been effective tool in our country’s justice system since its inception. When an inmate is given this, the harshest sentence available, it is always with just cause. Capital Punishment is an important tool in our criminal justice system today and there are several reasons it should remain in effect.
Why is the death penalty used as a means of punishment for crime? Is this just a way to solve the nations growing problem of overcrowded prisons, or is justice really being served? Why do some view the taking of a life morally correct? These questions are discussed and debated upon in every state and national legislature throughout the country. Advantages and disadvantages for the death penalty exist, and many members of the United States, and individual State governments, have differing opinions. Yet it seems that the stronger arguments, and evidence such as cost effectiveness, should lead the common citizen to the opposition of Capital Punishment.
Various religions also have varied responses to capital punishment. Even a particular denomination or religious group may not have a unified stand regarding capital punishment. Religious sentiments do play a significant part in the views of people regarding capital punishment. The Bible is replete with various passages that may seem to support or condemn capital punishment. The Old Testament, particularly, is based upon a morality of “teeth against teeth” and “life for life.” The books of laws of the Old Testament actually prescribe stoning to death the persons who commit serious crimes against God and against the community. A number of biblical scholars have considered the part of the Ten Commandments that say “You shall not kill” as a prohibition against individual cases of murder (The Ryrie Study Bible, Exodus 20:13). In the first place, the Christian faith believes that humans are created in the image of God. As such, a serious crime against another person is also a crime against God. In the Old Testament, premeditated murder was sufficient reason for the death penalty (Numbers 35:31, 33). Moreover, in Genesis 9:6, it can be read that “whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed”. St. Thomas Aquinas also published his thoughts regarding capital
It is expensive because analysis, allocation and absorption of overheads require considerable amount of additional work.
In the beginning of the Bible in the Book of Genesis, it is revealed to use in 1:26-27 that God has created man in his image. The text verbatim states “Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” From this distinct text we can clearly conclude that when ad created man and woman, they were destined to be in God’s image and carry his image throughout his creation. Today we can see that many of us do not live in God’s image due to society becoming more secularized as it progresses through the years, however as Christians we can verse this by living in God’s image in our chosen vocations, churches, and even in the
The practice of the death penalty and capital punishment is a contemporary political issue that is widely debated throughout the United States. It is my opinion that capital punishment should either be discontinued or only reserved for the rarest of the rare case. In this essay, I will attempt to resolve the issue of whether the United States should continue or discontinue the practice of capital punishment by using the natural law theory set forth by Saint Thomas Aquinas and his greatest work, “Summa Theologiae”.
The life given by god has a very special meaning a value in which people sometimes forget to thank or either regret. Many students/adults believe that they are going to be popular if they have money and a good job buy forget that people are influenced by those who have learned something. Also a lot fail to remember, to earn value you must earn it.In today’s economy the government creates a value on the person by looking at the position they are held for. If you look at it from the society’s point of view they believe people should be given value according to what they do and what position they are. From an individual's perspective they judge themselves on what they accomplish and achieve.The value of the individual would
Every human life is a gift from God. Christ sent his son to save all the people of the world. There are no certain criteria for this. God never set a standard for which lives are important to him and which are not. We are made in the image of God; therefore we are important to Him. In our modern-day society, we are taught that certain lives are more important than others. That a mother choosing how she wants to live her life is more important than her unborn baby's. That pushing our own personal views are more important than the hundreds of lives we take away. The Bible clearly states in the ten commandments, “Thou shalt not kill”. It is even written in the laws of our country, but still the question remains. Why does our world place little to no value on human life?
Musicians and artists when making music may say anything they want too in their songs without repercussion because it’s protected by the first amendment under the free speech clause, yet can only be used as evidence in a criminal trial if it has a strong nexus attached to it. The free speech clause of the First Amendment should protect offensive speech not only because people have the right to speak their minds, but it results in a more democratic society. My opinion about free speech is that offensive language is protected under the first amendment, unless it incites a riot, threatens national security, or causes any type of direct violent response caused by the offensive speech.