
The Safety of Humans at the Expense of Animal Testing Essay

Decent Essays

Animal testing is a common practice in current life that is necessary to ensure the safety of the humans that will be using the tested product. There are many good and bad aspects of animal testing, but the pros clearly outweigh the cons. Animal testing has been around since ancient times when animals were dissected to gain knowledge about the body and organs. The animals killed from animal testing make up a tiny percentage of the total animals killed every year. When just considering the animals used for food compared to the animals used for testing, testing animals make up a mere 2.6 percent of that number. Public safety far outweighs the lives of the small amount of animals killed. The number of animals that are used in animal testing …show more content…

The animals used for testing are plentiful and minimal in consideration to the number killed in the name of food or protection. Many people prefer to eat steaks and burgers made from cows. Bacon is the best and almost everyone loves bacon. If animal testing were to be stopped, bacon would eventually be totally eliminated and all anyone would know would be veggie burgers and strips of seaweed to replace bacon and good old fashioned meaty burgers. Currently turkey bacon is bad enough and it needs to remain pork. The ban of animal testing will clearly result in the unnecessary rights of animals who contribute little other than food to society. Animals themselves benefit from the testing to. There have been vaccines and remedies developed to prevent rabies along with many other fatal diseases. There would be many pets and wild animals that would be dead from diseases that have been discovered, researched, and solved. It would have also led to the euthanization of many wild animals. Even though the killing is considered humane and for the good of the animal people would be against it and rebell like they always do. There are hunters all over the world that use the sport as more than just enjoyment and a goal to get a trophy. Over 200 million animals are killed every year from hunting for the purpose of food and land protection. Farmers who grow corn and vegetables need to kill animals that eat the precious

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