This is the saddest case I was faced with last year in hemodialysis. A young Catholic woman after two years being in dialysis recounts some of her terrible physical, psychological, economic, and emotional moments she had to endure by her lowed husband.
She was 25 years old who came from Nicaragua to United States almost two years ago. She grew up in a strong Catholic family with loving parents and a younger sister who she was very close with. When she was twenty she met her husband in the Central American University Managua where he assisted mathematic students during class. At that time, he was a young teacher, outspoken, and good looking. She fell in love and wanted nothing more than to live her life for him. Up until now nothing had transpired, everything seemed perfect at first, but later developing into a traumatic marriage. He was ten years older than her. He grew up with his mother only and was always struggling with the
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Then, he stared to control her dressing habits. She was told to wear clothes that she did not like and not use any makeups at all. When she tried to wear short dress, he called her “slutty”. If some men asked her something in the store or restaurant his behavior would become more out of the control, and he would yield, humiliating her in front of that person. He stopped her from calling her family, using the excuse that she did not need to spend any money. The first time he hit her was when she got home late from a doctor’s appointment. As soon as she walked in, he grabbed her arm, when she tried to get free, he took her by the hair, pushing her back and for screaming at her like the devil for being late. Finally, he locked her in the room for almost twenty-four hours. The day after he felt so sorry for what had happened and asked her for forgiveness. She wanted to get away, returned back to Nicaragua, but she was scared, confused, emotionally exhausted from the man that was claiming to love her all this
Acute renal failure occurs quickly over a period of days or weeks with a reduction in GFR and elevation of BUN, plasma creatinine and crystatin C levels. Oliguria (urine output of < 30ml/hr or < 400 ml/day) is usually associated with ARF, although urine output may be normal or increased as well. Fluid is still filtered at the glomerulus but there is an alteration in tubular secretion or reabsorption. Most types of ARF are reversible if diagnosed and treated early (Perrin, 2009).
On 08/18/15 Bethani was whipped by her father with a belt because he felt she’d disrespected him. The child told her mother she’s unsure what happened to set her father off but she believes it may be because she chose to shorten her visit with him to stay with her mother. Bethani was unable to sit down and told her mother her bottom was sore; Bethani’s bruises are still visible after 24-hours but she doesn’t require any medical treatment or care. Bethani told her mother her father makes her feel worthless; the child’s father told her he would beat “the Amanda” out of her. After the whipping, Bethani cut her arm and legs and carved worthless in her arm. Mrs. Alman has never witnessed the child whipped by her father before during their marriage
Ms. Brantly has been a nurse for 20 years and currently works in a dialysis clinic. She is the administrator for the clinic, along with twelve other outlying clinics throughout New Mexico. The questions and responses that Ms. Brantly’s provided during her visit to class are listed.
Although technology in hemodialysis is continually advancing. Nurse still have to cope with the increasing challenge of dialyzing an ageing population. Who often have associated comorbidity. Hypotension, nausea, and cramp are common even experienced by dialysis patients particularly by the elderly. By assessing and monitoring can help nurse and dialysis technician predict and prevent hypotensive episodes on dialysis.
The introduction of dialysis as a lifesaving treatment for kidney failure was not the result for any large scale research
The kidneys is the fundamental organ that is largely responsible for maintaining homeostasis by controlling blood pressure, regulating electrolytes pH balance, manufacturing hormones, formation of processing waste to the urine and eliminating any toxic minerals, excess salts, or protein waste. With that said, without adequate blood perfusing through the kidney, it can cause obstructions in the urinary flow that will damage the kidney tissue. A disorder that may occur suddenly is known as, acute renal failure, in which the causes are divided into three categories: prerenal, intrarenal, and postrenal.
Adherence to immunosuppressive medication in renal transplantation is imperative for graft survival. Non-adherence is one the major cause of graft failure post-transplant. Non-adherence can be described as not taking medications, missing medications, wrong timings, not taking proper dosages, anything that does follow the prescribed treatment regimen. (….) In some studies non-adherence can be as high as 70% of patients. (…) Renal failure due to non-compliance of treatment regimen is economically, socially and morally inexcusable.
On July 29th, 2006, Rafael Dangond and Lissette Ochoa were invited to a wedding party in an exclusive Country Club in the city of Barranquilla, Columbia. Dangond soon became outraged and aggressive after seeing Ochoa was dancing with a young male, who is one of her friends traveled from Venezuela to attend the wedding party. He fiercely attacked Ochoa once she exited the event and the violence constantly continued for over two hours. This extreme brutal act is a product of Dangond’s desires to control and dominate his wife because of his low self-esteem and extreme jealousy. As a result of Dangond’s abusive act, Ochoa suffered multiple physical traumas mainly on her head. Although Dangond’s performance seem to be a case of direct violence stemming from jealousy and frustration, it is also important to recognize the cultural and structural aspects involved in the conflict. The culture of domestic violence in Columbia, which are usually considered as being part of normal married life in the society and the vertically hierarchical relationships between husband and wife in a family must also be examined in order to fully determine the complexity of the conflict. Because of the vertical social structures, Dangond’s action is likely to continue between he and his wife. However, in order to decrease the prospect of future violence, laws regarding violence against women must be enforced and the abolition of the vertical familial patriarchal social system in
Three days before being called for her kidney transplant, Rachel was put on dialysis which uses an artificial device to clean and filter the blood of waste products. This caused her major pain and distress, Rachel says that this was ‘one of the most painful experiences she’s ever been through’. She said the pain was mainly in her shoulder and it felt like she was being ‘dragged down to the floor’, this affected her quality of life as for those three days she had a dependence on medicinal substances and medical aids. After the transplant Rachel still has to take drugs each day
Patients who are diagnosed with acute renal failure go through difficult times dealing with the disease. Their families too experience psychological difficulties, not knowing the degree of suffering their loved ones are going through. Therefore, in order to provide the best of care for the patient, nurses need to be knowledgeable about the problem, and find the best professional way to educate the patient and family so that the patient does not end up into the hospital for re-admission. Family members can best relate to the situation and understand what their loved ones are going through if they are included into the care of the patients. You get a better outcome when you treat patients as a whole. It is critical for nurses and other health care workers to provide patients and their family members with the necessary information in order for them to make informed decisions.
The kidneys are vitals organs that are responsible for various function in the human body such as reabsorption, secretion and excretion. They are the filters that enable us to get waste materials that are produced by metabolism or ingested. The most important element that they filter is blood plasma. The kidneys simultaneously eliminate unwanted substances by excreting them into the urine and return substances that are needed back in to the blood. While filtration is the primary function the kidneys are responsible for regulation of arterial pressure, acid-base balance and excretion of hormones. Any injury to the kidney may result in an interruption of these functions.
A vascular access is a hemodialysis patient’s lifeline. A vascular access makes life-saving hemodialysis treatments possible. Hemodialysis is a treatment for kidney failure that uses a machine to send the patient’s blood through a filter, called a dialyzer, outside the body. The access is a surgically created vein used to remove and return blood during hemodialysis. The blood goes through a needle, a few ounces at a time. The blood then travels through a tube that takes it to the dialyzer. Inside the dialyzer, the blood flows through thin fibers that filter out wastes and extra fluid. The machine returns the filtered blood to the body through a different tube. A vascular access lets large amounts of blood flow continuously during hemodialysis
from El Salvador at such a young age without her parents. She looked at me with her eyes tearing up and told me her biggest reason of leaving was because of gang violence and sexual abuse. She described the streets in El Salvador full of one of the most notorious street gangs The Mara Salvatrucha. She remembers the gang taking over the neighborhoods and bullying everyone to give them money but if the family didn’t they were robbed. She has faun memories of her brothers falling into the gang life and drug trafficking. She did not want to be another statistic of human smuggling and
At the end of our 2 weeks of data gathering and completing the study, the group aims to accomplish the following:
There are a few options when it comes to dialysis. Depending on your diagnosis you may have the option of peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis. With these two treatments you have the option of completing the treatment either in a center or at home if you are able to learn how to treat yourself through training.