
The Rural Economy Of Fiji

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Sugarcane industry, today dominates the rural economy of Fiji and employs a large number of rural population. The first sugar, introduced by the European colonists, was produced in Fiji in 1862 around the flatland areas near Suva (now the capital city of the country) due to the availability of fertile alluvial soils (FSC 2014). However, after the first few years the center of production shifted to the rural western and northern parts of Fiji’s two biggest islands, Viti Levu and Vanua Levu (also known as the ‘cane belt area’), due to the fact that sugarcane needs dryer areas for better quality of sugar to be produced (Ward 1965; Mayer 1961). Whilst the majority of the growers are Fiji Indians, the land belongs to the indigenous Fijians …show more content…

Sugar contributed 8 percent of the Gross Domestic Production (Fiji Island Bureau of Statistics 2015). In short, sugar industry is still vital for Fiji’s economy and the significance of the industry is still substantial to Fiji’s rural economy (Paresh and Biman 2003).
For the purpose of this essay, the rural livelihoods of Fiji Indian sugarcane farmers will be discussed in relation to the sustainable livelihood framework. Chambers and Conway (1992, p. 6) defines ‘sustainable livelihood’ as:
A livelihood comprises the capabilities, assets (including both material and social resources) and activities required for a means of living. A livelihood is sustainable when it can cope with and recover from stresses and shocks, maintain or enhance its capabilities and assets, while not undermining the natural resource base.
On the other hand, Scoones (2015, p. 11) argues ‘rural livelihood’ is more than agriculture and farming, it includes off-farm activities such as rural employment and migration as means of links to the urban areas. This essay, thus, will first explore the livelihood assets of rural farmers, that is, the human, physical, natural, financial and social capitals. Secondly, it will discuss the vulnerability contexts affecting the farmers, such as, the shocks, trends and seasonality. Thirdly, this essay will look at the livelihood diversification strategies for farmers and, finally it will conclude with recommendations for improving the

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