
The Roman Republic

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For Centuries the Roman Republic was ruled over by some twenty families of Patricians , these families represented the upper crust of society, a society which prided itself on the continuation of the family line. This system was threatened by the "ideology of novitas" which people achieved glory not from there illustrious family history, but through merit. Cato the Elder and Gaius Marius were not born of noble stock and thus represent two of the best examples of "novus homo" in action.
The Roman Republic 's system was heavily stacked against "a novus homo" from the period of 200BC-100BC only 29 Consuls were of Plebeian background, which alludes to the fact the having a good family genealogy, would undoubtedly benefit one political career. The Scipionic epitaph of Scipio Baratus details the successes of a great Roman, who 's honour and bravery, as well as his occupation of the Aedileship, and the Consulship ultimately helped spring board the career of his son "Lucius Cornelius Scipio" . From this we can see that fama, gloria, and a good family background greatly help ones political ambitions, Marius and Cato both came from a "Plebeian" background of which Marius took pride in going as far as accusing the aristocracy of bitterness by despising him since he reached the Consulship without family connections or glory. There might have been jealousy, and envy amongst the aristocracy that there "rightful" place was being usurped by an outsider "a Pleb"
Novitas developed

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