
How Did The Byzantines Conquer Other Empires

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The Byzantines created a weapon, Greek Fire, no person knew how to put the fire out. The Byzantine Empire joined the 4th Crusade but in the end they lost many of their own land to the Bulgarians. They joined the religion of Eastern Orthodox and when they conquered additional empires they would make them convert to Eastern Orthodox. The Byzantine Empire was the capital city of Rome when Theodora and Justinian was the emperor. The economy in the Byzantine Empire was skyrocketing, because they were conquering other empires. Every time the Byzantines conquered other empires they got more land and money which gave them a better economy. Greek Fire was fire that came out of a portable flamethrower, the Byzantines would shoot at people that were trying …show more content…

In the article titled “Why Constantinople was hard to conquer” came from a database, mentions that the walls would only be able to be destroyed if they got exploded by another super weapon. “The walls had many weaknesses it could be exploded” (“Why Constantinople was so hard to conquer”). This is just like when the Great Wall of China was trying to get broke through but it could not without a really powerful weapon. The Greek Fire was one super weapon that could be able to destroy the walls and no other empire had a super weapon to destroy it. The Byzantine Empire did have a super weapon. The Ottomans destroyed the walls with a super weapon of their own which through the Byzantines off guard. When they got through the walls, they conquered them and that was the end of the Byzantine Empire. When the Napalm bomb was created the only one that knew about it was the United States. The U.S. bombed Japan with this weapon, they will not know what just hit them. The U.S. Chemical Warfare Service added rubber to the gasoline to produce a jelly mixture which would burn longer, would be harder to put out and would stick to the victim, causing fatal injuries (“Liquid Fire”). When the Napalm bomb was created it was probably one of the strongest weapons in the world at the time and no one knew what it was used for. The time of the Greek Fire to the Napalm bomb the more technology had been advanced so the bomb was stronger. At the time fire was used like bomb, but the fire kept burning. The fire spread and destroyed everything, a lot of people died from fumes of the fire, just like the Napalm bombs would kill and

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