
The Roles Of A Nurse

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This paper explores the roles that nurses play in bereavement care and how people react differently to the loss of a loved one during the bereavement process such as uncomplicated grief reactions versus complicated grief. The nurse’s role in disenfranchised grief is also explored in detail as to how the nurse can recognize grief from disenfranchised grief. The different types of disenfranchised grief are explained in detail and how a person may experience the different types. The four tasks of mourning are also identified and explained as to how a person must move through these stages so that they may be able to establish a new social life after the loss of a loved one. It is explained in this paper how a nurse can better care for their …show more content…

This intense, persistent grief is known variously as ‘complicated grief’ or ‘prolonged grief disorder’ (Waller et al., 2016). Nurses also play a large role in caring for patients and families with disenfranchised grief. The role that nurses play can be critical in determining the emotional aftermath of life-altering experiences (Aloi, 2009). There are four different types of disenfranchised grief that can be experienced by the griever. The nurse should be able to recognize and educate the patient, and the patient’s loved ones about the type of disenfranchised grief that they may be experiencing.).
There are also four tasks of mourning that the nurse will recognize the bereaved experience during their care. It is important for the nursing staff to be more sensitive and receptive to family grieving and be better equipped to provide proper grief care (Hsiao, 2010). These four task of mourning are considered necessary for the bereaved person to accomplish before they are able to engage in new relationships.
Bereavement Care: A Role for Nurses
Bereavement is defined as the state or the fact of being bereaved or deprived of someone or something. During the bereavement process people may experience a period of intense grief, which can negatively impact their physical and psychosocial wellbeing (Waller et al., 2016). This may be known as complicated grief and be accompanied by symptoms of loneliness,

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