
The Role Of Transgender People In Prisons

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Watching the news one day I noticed that the reported was making a report about transgender people in the jails and how poorly this people are treated. I watched the all report and many of these transgender people have existed, many under different names and cultural identities in the past centuries. Transgender people since their birth they have been apparent to others and are attracted to discrimination, violence and harassment in many of the prisons. It’s really sad that many of these transgender go thru (through) the system in the criminal-justice and are never counted . However, a recent study shows that this people are starting to open up about all the discrimination that they are suffering in the different prisons. Many of this transgender individuals are only recently choosing to be recognized in the population as visible, rather than hiding their presence. Transgender, men and women feel very strongly, (T)they are fundamentally a different sex than the gender to which …show more content…

They feel as if they are man or woman mentally and physically trapped in a body of the opposite gender and bringing a problem like this to prison does not make it easier for them. Most of the transgender population in prisons have a problem called gender dysphoria (Dr.Helen Okoye, 2014), is often so severe and uncomfortable that many individuals experiencing it may desire to be surgically altered and they think more in prison to get it done , because of the treatment they get as inmates. In this way they can appear as and function as their correct sex. (Dr.Helen Okoye, 2014). The choice to risk being viewed as distinctly different and thus potentially invite discrimination is a difficult one. The choice of privacy in prison for transgender inmates is just impossible they deserve the human rights just like anybody else. Most of the prisons generally uses the term

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