
The Role Of The Greek Gods And Goddesses

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Have you ever wondered about the ancient Greek gods, and goddesses that once “ruled the earth” in Greek eyes? The Greek gods/goddesses were very powerful, and all had their own special role throughout the Greek culture. Some moved the sun, and others commanded in battle. Some of them ruled the seas, and others the heavens. The three gods/goddesses that stood out to me in the odyssey were Athena, Circe, and Hermes, which all played a very important role within the odyssey and they are all gods that we cover more information on today.
The Greek god Hermes was a messenger god, which brought a flower to Odysseus, which would weaken Circe’s power, and allow Odysseus to escape her island. The quote “The god Hermes stopped him to give him a plant …show more content…

“In the wild wood they found an open glade, around a smooth stone house-the hall of Circe-and wolves and mountain lions lay there, mild in her soft spell, fed on her drug of evil” and “Down to the ship Eurylochus came running to cry alarm, foul magic doomed his men!” both show what Circe is doing to the men of Odysseus. Circe has the ability to turn men to animals, which made this explanation clear of why all the wolves and mountain lions on the island were so peaceful. Also when Eurylochus came running down the hill, screaming to Odysseus “foul magic doomed his men!” it is clear that Circe has turned Odysseus’s men into animals as well. There is so much more to know about Circe …show more content…

“I’ve refreshed you; Diomedes” and “And I’ve given you the ability to see the immortals on the field. Don’t fight against any of those from Olympus, except for that fool Aphrodite, daughter of Zeus. You may wound here, but her alone”. Both show how Athena can take charge, and help throughout a war. It shows how she can give additional abilities, and use many strategies to lead her team to victory. Athena, Circe, and Hermes all play very important roles in the Odyssey.
Hermes, Athena, and Circe all stood out majorly in the Odyssey because of all that they did. Hermes helped Odysseus by giving him a plant which weakened the power of Circe. Circe helped Odysseus by showing him the way off of her island, and by warning them about what awaits them on their long journey. Athena helped Odysseus throughout the entire epic because she told him her great wisdom which helped through many obstacles. All of these gods helped Odysseus return home, and rightfully take back his throne as king, after being gone for so many years. They all gave Odysseus one more chance than he would have

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