Terrorism is a current threat to our nation, to our lives, to our neighboring countries, and also, to our nation’s allies. While terrorism consists of acts of violence, nevertheless, the loss of innocent lives occur during the process of these acts of violence.
The President addresses the Nation, mentioning the mass shooting in San Bernardino earlier that day. The President mentions that the individuals behind the shooting in San Bernardino obtained weapons legally in the United States. The President mentions that our national intelligence is better in detecting complex terrorist attacks like those of 9/11, however, nowadays terrorists have turned into less complicated attacks, like mass shootings, which, are to common in the society of
Terrorism is an ever changing threat that can not be completely stopped and in order for all forms to
Today, domestic terrorism is one of the major threats to the national security of the US. Since 9/11, the US intelligence services and law enforcement agencies viewed international terrorism as the major threat to the public security of the US but the threat of domestic terrorism has been underestimated. At any rate, American law enforcement agencies conduct active campaigns to prevent international terrorism but domestic terrorism become a serious threat to the national security of the US. In such a way, the US needs to develop effective strategies to prevent the rise of domestic terrorism. Otherwise, the US may face a threat of the consistent growth of domestic terrorism as do some European countries, such as the UK, for instance. Therefore, law enforcement agencies should focus their attention on the prevention of domestic terrorism because, even though domestic terrorism is unseen, it may be even more dangerous than international terrorism. Domestic terrorists undermine the country from within, while international terrorists attack the US from the outside and the US can raise barriers to protect Americans from the foreign threat, while domestic terrorism needs effective work of law enforcement agencies nationwide. Therefore, domestic terrorism is a serious threat to the national security of the US and American law enforcement agencies along legislators and the public have to unite their efforts in the struggle against domestic terrorism.
When discussing terrorism, the groups which most frequently come to mind are those which operate either internationally or specifically in foreign countries, such as al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, Al Shabab. However, the United States has a number of domestic terror groups some well-organized, some loosely connected that have perpetrated serious attacks over the last few decades. Al-Qaeda's attacks on September 11th, 2001, and the subsequent wars born out of the United States' response to these attacks have meant that domestic terrorism is less widely discussed topic, this does not mean that domestic terrorist groups do not present a serious threat to the United States and its citizens. By examining known terrorist organizations within the United States and their classifications, it will be possible to demonstrate how and why the country has seen a rise in domestic terror over the last three decades, as well as some possible government responses to these groups that could help to prevent individuals from joining in the first place.
This was an important time in America post 9/11 because although Muslims were being discriminated and targeted. Muslim American advocacy organizations urged their people to claim their rights as Americans, to raise their voices, to fight back against hate crimes, bias incidents, prejudice and discrimination, and governmental abuses of power. They responded in typical American fashion, through political activism, legal challenges, and social
In the past few decades, there have been various terrorist attacks throughout the world. Most importantly, countless acts of terrorism have been committed in the United States of America, that have gradually influenced the way the American security system and security at public buildings, public places, are run. Because of this act of terror, the American government has made protecting its citizens and country a top priority. These attacks, and the nation's response to them security-wise, still affect American's lives today physically and emotionally. Seeing that the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing, September 11, 2001, and the Boston Marathon Bombing have happened on American soil, they have forever changed the way the country deals
Terrorism has had a profound affect on the world, as it has inspired fear and despair in the hearts of millions of people. Specifically in the United States, where in certain circumstances U.S. citizens will carry out acts of terror to further their own cause. Domestic terrorism has taken roots in many aspects of society through certain ideological groups, radicalization through media, and by acts of terror that cause immense civil unrest.
Terrorism and the United States A cloud of anthrax spores looming in the sky of San Diego California
In 1999 there was said to be a huge increase that focused on the terrorism in the United States (fbi.gov). Even though this focus was on terrorism in general, it was mainly focused on the domestic terrorist. Eight of the ten terrorist incidents were those domestic terrorisms that year in the United States. There were seven plots that were prevented by law enforcers this year and in 1998 there were twelve. The seven that occurred in 1999 were because of the Animal Liberation Front also known as ALF. All of these led to financial damages that ended up being more than three million dollars (fbi.gov).
I, myself, before September 11, 2001 did not know what terrorism was. It is completely a new term for me, and I could never figure how terrible it is. But then, experiencing and witnessing the feeling of losing the one you loved who was a victim of that disaster, I recognized that the world is no longer as safe as before. Today, not only America but also Britain, Spain, Indonesia…became the target of terrorists. The terror tissue is the most challenged thing for all the governments to solve. Even though after September 11, 2001, US has attacked and destroyed a lot terrorists’ bases in over the world, the terrorists still survive and keep aiming to US and its allies.
Conflict between North America and terrorists has been going on for decades. An online article written by Brad Plumer says, “Just about every part of the United States has been hit by terrorism.” Recently terrorism has risen to a whole new level as terrorists are reaching lands where they have never been before. What is it going to take for places like France and Canada to finally revolt back?
Externally, states take into account any and all threats existing in their environment that may bring about conflict to its right to rule. As states spend resources and time parcipaniting in competing with its outside rivals in military and economically ways to neutralize the threats to its legitimacy. On the other hand, how about the internal threats to the state legitimacy. With that being the case, is it possible for a state to be as successful with neutralizing threats to its legitimacy imposed by its people, in the same way as its external threats? To answer this question, yes it is possible. Generally using violence is seen as the primary tool in achieving the goal of overthrowing the state, in the traditional forms of armed guerillas or violent protesters rioting and looting. In this situation, the response from the state consist of confronting the protesters with the army and police as a means of overwhelming the violence with using violence upon the people and crushing the uprising. This practices has been used for hundreds of years by states to protect their claim of legitimacy and is still today the ideal thinking for handling protest.
The rise of terrorism in the United States reveals one of the biggest challenges our nation faces today. Since the terrorist assault that occurred on September 11, 2001, the view on terrorism has changed radically across the world particularly in the United States. Clearly, it woke people up to that idea, and not just did concerns come up. Despite of the ascent in terrorism, securing our country has requested at a a huge concern for protection at different levels. Protecting the people from terrorist attacks is the most important thing right now, and is the reason why the Department of Homeland Security was developed; the future success of the Department of Homeland Security depends on the ability of agencies to cooperate, and share pertinent
Terrorism is meant to scare the public. General warfare is towards soldiers, terrorism is on the general public. Warfare is two opposing armies in a battle, which is fair. Terrorism is unexpected and sneaky which causes the fear in the country after such a disaster happens.
The use of the violent acts to intimidate people as a way of trying to achieve a political goal is the act of terrorism. By definition terrorism doesn’t specify a race nor does it single out a group of people by religion. Any act of violent death is unwanted and should all be deemed terrorism. Too many times have I watched the news and seen that when a Muslim shooter fires a shot it is deemed terrorism but when a white supremacist kid shoots it's determined to be just a shooting. Why do so many people single out
Terrorism, which has been around for as long as people can remember, has been on the rise for the past ten years. Terrorists usually use murdering, kidnapping, hi-jacking and bombings to achieve their political purpose. For instance, according to Wikipedia.com (2006), in 1985 816 deaths, then in 2003, more than 1,000 people died by terorist acts around the world. In recent years, terrorism seems to be at a new height and attacks are much more violent than in the past. Unfortunately, in spite of many anti-terror campaigns, projects and organizations are being created for prevention (to prevent) terrorism, the number of terrorists only is increasing. These days terrorism is all over the world.