
The Role Of Social Welfare System In Canada

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Over the last few decades, as the Canadian government began to cut programs and the social welfare system began to unravel. The non-profit sector, including food banks, took over the responsibilities that were provided to citizens through the government-sponsored social programs (Anheier, 2005, p.114). Food banks are symptoms of the breakdown of the social consensus developed over 35 years ago (Riches, 1986, p. 62-63). This gave a negative outlook on the Canadian government. The government's responsibility is to ensure that basic human needs are provided, especially in a developed country like Canada. The lack of government help made citizens renew their interest in organizations within the social economy that helped fill the missing service gaps. …show more content…

5). The poorly executed American banking system, which caused the financial crisis of 2008; initial factors were different from the 1970s crisis. However, it generated the same consequences (Simkovic, 2009, p. 253). Half of the households helped by food banks receive the majority of their income from provincial social assistance programs. The link between food bank use and welfare is not shocking, especially since benefits are below poverty levels (Pegg and Stapleton, 2014, p.

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