
The Role Of Social Norms In College Students

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There are social norms surrounding the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, but it varies depending on the substance. For example alcohol doesn’t carry that heavy of a sigma towards society because it’s alcohol and about “half of Americans consume alcoholic beverages regularly” (Donatelle, 2016, p.232). People can drink socially, a positive social norm, to interact with other people comfortably and the alcohol takes the edge of anxiety. The consumption of tobacco holds a fairly negative stigma in society, it’s mostly known for causing a multitude of cancers and lung diseases in the users. Social norms within tobacco would be it decreases the stress in college students as well as to just relax the student, “students claim to also smoke when being presented in social situations, this is also …show more content…

Activities or programs that would deter drinking and other drug use for college students would be to go through therapy for drinking problems or rehabilitation. Programs or activities to break a tobacco or other drug habit would be through nicotine patches or gum (for people who are breaking a tobacco habit), and for those quitting other drugs, therapy (group or private) would be the best option. Colleges are opening services to students “who are recovering from alcohol and other drug addication and want to stay in school without being exposed to excessive drinking or drug use” (226). A majority of the treatments and programs listed above would also help recovering drug users and alcolholics. Programs that would deter students from drug use would be if they were athletically involved with the school or if they are in extra curricular activities. Essentially if an individual is involved in some activity and they are kept busy they are less likely to get involved with drugs and

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