
A Sound Of Thunder Expository Essay

Decent Essays

I often find myself pondering how different history would be if certain events did or potentially didn’t transpire or went differently. In Ray Bradbury’s story, “A Sound of Thunder,” history gets altered. If was presented the opportunity to change any event in history I would prevented the enslavement of Africans. This is something that I have long been contemplating. For better or worse I, have always wondered what world would take form had slavery been prohibited and or thwarted during its inception. The reason I would choose to change that event in history above all others is simple. I feel that would save a plethora of Africans from being wrongfully enslaved for over 200 years all the while having to deal with inhumane working and living …show more content…

The most obvious plus side of the decision to eradicate slavery would be the fact that without it most likely the civil war wouldn’t have transpired. The total number of people who died in the American Civil War is estimated to be over 750,000 people. Granted the civil war came about due to A slew of different factors but the most evident one was the debate over slavery. Just the thought of how many lives that would be spared on both sides due to no war having to be fought is reason enough for me to keep slavery from transpiring. Without slavery, there would never be a feeling of necessity for those southern states to secede and fan the flames of war. Yet another benefit would be Africa would probably be a far richer and power nation than what it already is & possibly more powerful than America. I believe that the cultural history of the United States would end up being radically different. Mainly because the diminished prominence of the South changes that comes straight from no longer benefiting slave labor and the added increase in state’s total population for legislative representation and taxing purposes after the 3/5 compromise determined how blacks would now be counted towards a state’s population. Also, stripping its distinctive culture that came about due to events and things that were derived from slavery (Jazz, …show more content…

I weighed the penalties and the profits of my choice and its very clear in my mind that I would be making the right choice in doing so because I would be saving a plethora of Africans from being wrongfully enslaved for over 200 years all the while having to deal with inhumane working and living conditions oppression. It would save them from decades upon decades of brainwashing, beatings, denial of human rights, and many other unspeakable heinous acts that they became accustom to while having to give their lives and ultimately their humanity to masters that stripped them of their culture, history and freedom. Also, while would sparing generations that follow from falling victim to not knowing their family’s heritage or even where they come from all the while still having to wake up and endure that same oppression and discrimination that still exist even after all the sacrifices that were made to ensure they wouldn’t have to stomach and live the same horrors that their ancestors had to live. In short I feel id be giving African people the chance to live and make something out of the lives they had before they were stripped of everything to serve the greed and agendas of their masters. Id begiving them A chance to finally be what they want to be and shape their lives & culture into anything they’d want it to be without having to be forced into the horror story that

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