
The Role Of Restraint In The Picture Of Dorian Gray

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By Lord Henry saying, “The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. Resist it, and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden…” (21), he is basically teaching Dorian the hedonistic ideal of indulgence being good for the soul. However, it is in this lack of restraint that Dorian is left completely susceptible to overindulgence and debauchery of all sorts. Furthermore, Dorian’s lack of restraint is comparable to that of Kurtz.
Along with this lack of restraint, came the lack of concern for other people. Although Dorian’s exterior remains beautiful, the evidence of his debauchery is reflected in the features of the formerly perfect portrait. As stated, “Even those who had heard the most evil things against him- and from time to time strange rumors about his mod of life crept through London and became the chatter of clubs- could not believe anything to his dishonor when they saw him.”(141). …show more content…

What could atone for that? Ah! There was no atonement…” (197), it becomes clear that Dorian has become rather numb and indifferent towards his own corruption. As we see Dorian Gray’s hedonistic ideals transform into cruelty, evilness, and pure selfishness, we see his lifestyle shift into one that is more self-destructive than self-indulgent.
In sum, both Kurtz and Dorian Gray represent the darkness that lies within the core of all human beings. In the end, we are able to see that both Kurtz and Marlow fall victim to the power of cruelty, greed, and exploitation, ultimately causing them to lack the civility and morality necessary for

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