
The Role Of Racism In Anne Moody's Life

Decent Essays

Anne Moody faced many issues in her lifetime because she experienced racism her whole life. Moody spent her whole life trying to figure out why white people hated her people so much and as she got older, she wanted answers. Many struggles contributed to Moody’s upbringing such as a troubled family, working at a young age, and her high school and college years.
Moody’s family was not always broken but after her parents split up, they began to struggle financially and emotionally. Moody’s mother, Toosweet, was the only one working so Moody made the observation that “…she had been killing herself for more than seven years working one job after another trying to feed [them] and keep [them] in school and all.” (45) Also, since Toosweet was pregnant again, Moody was afraid she was going to have to “quit school and work full time” (43) to help provide for her family. The family was struggling even when Toosweet was working and Moody knew they would lose everything if her mom quit her job. She was already mentally putting herself in the shoes of an adult as a child to prepare herself.
At the age of nine, Moody acquired her first job. Now that …show more content…

(128) She soon heard about the crimes being committed toward black people just because of their skin color. Emmett Till’s death was the first she had heard about a hate crime and she was confused. When she asked different people to explain it, she got many answers that were not clear. She did notice, though, that her mom was afraid to talk about it and told Moody to “just do your work like you don’t know nothing.” (130) while the white people she knew were openly having conversations with each other about it. Moody figured that if she wanted information, she was just going to have to pay attention to what was said around

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