As much as we’d like to think so, the government does not treat all people equally, regardless of gender, race, or ethnicity. Most of the inequalities recorded are economic issues, the economy that the U.S. government usually controls. Despite the fact that the annual salary of a hispanic woman in 2013 was 46% less than a white man’s annual pay, there are political inequalities. In case you don’t know, presidential campaigns cost a lot of money. Which sounds pretty reasonable, right? Someone running for president has to spend a lot of money to get their name out there, and that puts the wealthy right in the spotlight. Presidential elections are heavily influenced by the wealthy. This is how it works; the wealthy buy access to a politician(that
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder- Young people with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder are unable to focus their attention and are often impulsive and easily distracted. Most children with this disorder have great difficulty remaining still, taking turns, and keeping quiet.
Greed is a horrible trait to have, greed effect a person as a whole, a relationship, and how your outlook on life is. In Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Pardoners Tale, three friends get a chance to acquire so gold they were told is under a tree. This gold, they will soon find out, is costly to them.
One of the main topics discussed during this political science course is the political and economic inequality that has recently risen to staggering levels in the United States. Although political and economic inequality seem to be some of the most pressing issues we face today, little has been done to close the gap between the middle and upper classes. By looking at how our government and society behaves, one can see why the inequality barrier is such a difficult obstacle to overcome. Politicians may be more focused on staying in the good favor of their party than their people, but they are still elected by the majority. If more citizens took a more proactive approach to politics, social movements would be more successful and more balance would be brought to the political spectrum; however, money, powerful officials, and a general lack of interest prevent the government from maintaining a system that benefits everyone equally.
The United States was founded on freedom so we are technically supposed to have all terms of political equality. We do have political, social, and economic equality to an extent. Social equality for example, differs in states and with certain people. Things like race riots and killings of colors still happen today like recently in Ferguson. Our social equality has improved from the eighteen hundreds, but for for 2015 we could improve immensely. I do wish we had perfect social equality though, because I believe everyone should actually be treated equal no matter the race, age, or sexual orientation.
The wealthy one percent is able to invest in candidates’ campaigns in order to get access to officials once they are in office. The wealth one percent essentially buys public officers. Politicians are more inclined to help those that contributed to his or her campaign. Otherwise, the supporter may shifts his campaign contributions on another candidate. Wealth allows the one percent to continue to keep and increase their wealth through politics. They are able to essentially lobby for bailouts, subsidizes, and tax cuts. The precedent, therefore, becomes that only those with wealth are able to have their voices heard. Reich explains that wealth is not the problem: the problem is that wealthy people abuse their
“Inequality in the United States has prevailed on all levels, be it the justice and legal system, or the social class. This inequality is not only the basis of discrimination, but also encourages the increase in criminalization.”
As an American, we revel in our freedoms. Not everything is free, however, we have laws that were created for safety. They help keep everyone happy, alive and well. The foundation for these laws came from the founding fathers; they wished for Americans alive then, alive now, and alive years from now feeling safe and free. However, there are fatal flaws in the documents created by the founding fathers. These documents are not effective in establishing and preserving freedoms of Americans because they confined the definition of a valued American to white males as well as allowed the means of corruption to enter our laws through lack of rigidity.
Income concentration in United States has changed along with the spending patterns of the individuals. This has induced and widened the pay gap between the wealthy and the middle class. One individual’s demand is now another’s necessity which is why the income ladder is hard to grab now. Although financial aid by the government does help the middle class students to acquire good quality education, but this is not enough as the wealthy can get what they want even if they possess lesser prospects.
Social inequality exists in the United States through the Elite’s power to maintain their dominance in the United States capitalist system. The Elite Ruling class is made of the upper class and this class of individuals share similar ideology and are the members of the United State’s Superstructure. The Elite Ruling Class members of society are the decision and policy makers in the United States. Research and history has proven that many policies and decisions made by the Elite Ruling Class serve their own interest and promote their ideas. These decisions are the source of the inequality in the United States and it contributes to their ability to maintain their dominant status. The inequality is trickled down to the other classes through social policy and social institutions that affect our lives everyday citizens. A major example of this social inequality can be seen in the United States housing market or home ownership. A significant amount of studies, statics and data supports the evidence of social inequality within the US housing market or home ownership. The following passages will discuss social inequality in the United States as it is connected to Karl Marx’s theory of capitalism’s power and influence of the Elite Dominant i.e. the Ruling Class view as it relates to homeownership within the United States. Karl Marx’s theory however focuses mostly on economic s and the difference between upper and lower class not race. It is also important to point out that the Elite
The United States is currently experiencing increased income inequality and a large gap between rich and poor that continues to grow. After the Wall Street meltdown in 2008 and the recession that followed, economic recovery has been extremely slow and the inequality of America’s income distribution seems to be intensifying. Since the recession, the top one percent of earners in the US has experienced notably higher percentages of income growth, while the incomes of the middle class have become frozen with little to no significant increases. This has led to a substantial concentration of wealth. Many Americans have become skeptical and concerned about the chance of upward mobility in such an unbalanced economy. Education inequality is
Instead, it tacitly insists that inequality is the price we pay for growth. The fact is that almost all American adults need to work -- those with children, those without. Many work two jobs, with no hope for a raise or promotion of any kind, because employers are too greedy. Many are one illness, or car breakdown, away from homelessness. Poverty robs not only your pocket book but also your mind and your spirit. Poverty also keeps a person isolated and lonely and sometimes bored. Also we live in a society that requires money. Monetarily poor don't have money so add being on punishment to the list of ills a monetarily poor person suffers. Even working people with health insurance can be thrown into poverty. Health care costs, premiums, deductibles,
The study of inequality in America is vital to understanding the complicated political and social issues in America. Barrington, Illinois, my home town, is the picture of upper-middle class suburbia. It is a town with very little inequality, and very little diversity, but one which reveals some basic truths about inequality in America. One must first look at a snapshot of what Barrington socioeconomic structure is, then evaluate this structure through the theories of inequality. After these, and a quick evaluation of preconceived notions on Barrington’s inequality versus the real data, and a comparison of Barrington’s data to that of the United States as a whole, some conclusions can be drawn. These data reveal a strong correlation between Barrington’s lack of economic inequality, and lack of demographic and social diversity.
Is the standard American adage of “if you just work hard enough, you’ll be rich” still true?
Every individual in this world genuinely appreciates the value and privilege of any sort of monetary value. Although money has thoroughly revolutionized the world’s system of survival, it also seems to have brought about corruption to the minds of many. Despite the United States’ overall discouragement of its unpleasant history of various forms of discrimination (which have supposedly been fully eradicated), economic inequality remains prevalent throughout the country through conflicts between the rich and poor, carelessly handled morals, and the monetary pressures of modern day education.
When the movie Beowulf was released, my brother was instantly hooked. We had watched it at least 50 times in the first year, even though it terrified me. Watching it again, 10 years later, and reading parts of the original, makes it obvious that we were too young to watch a movie with such content. Beowulf is a centuries old epic that was passed down orally until someone decided to write it down. The story has prospered to the point that it is still taught in schools around the world. The Heaney translation of Beowulf is one of the most popular translations. This epic also has two main popular interpretations. John Gardner wrote Grendel, which is a short novel from the character Grendel's point of view where Gardner tries to determine how Grendel ended up the way he is. The other popular interpretation is the 2007 movie, Beowulf. In many interpretations, the author or director will change up certain characters or characteristics of the original story, which can sometimes be very controversial. As for the main antagonist, Grendel, he is represented very differently in these three versions/interpretations of Beowulf in his origins, motives, characteristics, and the battle he has with Beowulf.