
The Role Of Myths In The End Of All Things

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Are great myths merely silly, superstitious tales, or do they give us insights into the nature of our world? Myths are silly because, they’re unreliable especially in The End of All Things The Norsemen believed that, as Odin (Odin meaning king of the gods; god of war) had forseen, the gods were doomed one day to perish, and this is how they told that it would come to pass. First would there be three winters more terrible than any that ever gone before, with snow and ice and biting winds and no power in the sun; and no summers to divide this cruel season and make it bearable, but only one wintertime with never a respite. And at the end of that winter, Skoll (skol), the wolf who had ever pursued the sun, would leap upon it and devour it, and

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